Ch 6- Instant

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Rosalie had moved to stand next to the large window on the rear wall. She was staring out at the forest and the darkening sky pensively. Alice took the spot where her sister had just sat beside me.

"I thought we could discuss what you know about seers. About others in the past, and about what you do?" Her chirpy voice was hopeful.

I nodded. "Of course. Time for a little lesson, I guess." She laughed. "Well, I already told you about the three types. But let's focus on seers. There are two types of seers. The first are those like me- able to see only definitives. We're pretty limited, since the future is rarely solid. At the moment, I'm the only one of my kind. There was another who passed away a few years ago. Nothing terrible. She just decided to move on. She'd been alive for a long, long time, in a body that was physically old, and after teaching me how to use my gift, she decide to start aging again. The second type are those like you, Alice. Able to see the future based on people's current paths. You would also be the only one, as the only other one that we knew about died 18 years ago. Her daughter is still alive though. If I can track her down she might be able to give you some information."

"Really? That would be great!" Alice said eagerly.

"I'll try to get a hold of her," I promised. "Now, I have questions to ask you. I know you can only see the future that people's current decisions create, but are there other limitations?"

"Yes there are. I can only see vampires and humans. I haven't experienced what it's like to be anything else, so I can't see them. Any future they're in also gets blurry or disappears."

"Others? You mean like me or the wolves?"

"Yes, and half-vampires," she confirmed.

I hummed. Al would love to hear about all this. She would probably want to talk to Carlisle too. And all of them- especially Edward- would be able to help give a more complete description of the confrontation they had with the Volturi. At the moment, we only had the Volturi's perception of the events.

I took a moment to think about Alice's limitations. Gavrila would probably be able to think of something to get rid of them. Her mother was the other seer like Alice. And with her skill set and insane creativity, she could probably come up with some solution.

"I think I'll have to make a few calls," I murmured. Then I cleared my throat. "Can I get your attention for just a moment, everybody?" They all turned to look at me. "I mentioned that my mentor is a collector a histories. There's several things that you all have knowledge of that she would be interested in. I was thinking of calling her and seeing if she has time to meet with you. Would you all be willing to talk to her?"

"Before you decide," Berit piped up, "you might want to note that anyone who provides information is given access to at least some parts of the Archives. There's a lot to learn in there. Information on seers, the tribe, and plenty on the Volturi."

The Cullens looked at each other. It was Edward who responded. "We're all willing to talk with her, if she wants us to."

"Perfect," I replied with a smile. We all shifted then to look to the back door. I could sense Jacob, Renesmee, and the rest of the McCabes. There were also two other wolves with them. As they broke through the trees, I could see that one of the other wolves had his arm around Raven's shoulders. She looked radiant. It would seem that she'd found a mate.

I sense Berit's jumble of emotions, and her fears come to the surface. Agony touched her face for the briefest of moments before she smoothed it out. She was afraid of Raven leaving her, afraid of her daughter dying.

I walked up to her and laid my hand on her shoulder. I thought about how I felt knowing my mom was aging, that my grandfather was aging. I'd have to live without them, too. I spoke into her mind then.

You're not alone. I'll be willing to talk if you ever need me.

She gave me a small smile in return.

The back door opened, and the group filed in.

"Well look who it is!" Will burst. "The snitch herself!" Alex snickered and Raven rolled her eyes. His parents both just shook their heads.

But I wasn't focused on them. I was focused on the Quileute wolf that was walking toward me in a trance. His eyes were marveled. It was like I the first thing he'd seen after being blind his whole life. Confused, I looked into his mind. The sensation was clear. He'd imprinted.

Raven looked to Embry. "See, I told you Seth need to come with us." All eyes snapped to her smug face.

"You knew!" I accused.

"Yep," she said popping the p at the end. "I'll need your help for someone else too. I'll even give some info to Alunara to pay for it."

I had no idea what to do now. The wolf, Seth, was frozen a few feet in front of me. The eyes watching us from all angles made me uncomfortable. This seemed like it should be a private moment.

"Don't freak, out," I said to Seth. Then I transported us outside and made a one way shield. We could see out, but no one else could see or hear in. His head whipped around as he took in his new surroundings.

"How did you- what just happened?" he asked. His voice was gentle. Still in his mind, I could see that he was probably one of the purest, kindest people I would ever meet. And I could see how easy it would be to love him. It would be like breathing. Reflexive, simple, natural.

Suddenly I stumbled forward and he caught me instantly. I could vaguely hear him saying something, but my mind was not in the present.


Seth and I were in Al and Olly's house, sitting at the table with Angelina, the couple's niece. I was on his lap. She was showing us papers filled with party planning details- no, wedding planning details.

"Well, Angel, everything looks like it'll be perfect," I told my young friend.

"Of course, it will. You have the two best event planners out there making it happen," she quipped. Seth laughed and then rested his head on my shoulder.


The vision was clear. Seth was my future.

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