Side Story 1.3- The Gathering

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The packs had arrived by the time Embry and I walked into the clearing. We'd played 21 questions on our way there. I learned about his mom, his favorite bands, his favorite foods. He'd asked about my family, about my favorite activities, and about my abilities. It frustrated us both that I couldn't answer most of his questions about the last topic. I hated the rules right now, but I knew they were in place for a reason.

When we were clear of the trees, I took all the people waiting. I knew all of the wolves, and their mates. Sam was alpha of the "first" pack- the pack that was still based in La Push, and Emily was his mate. His second was Jared, who was mated to Kim. Then there was Paul and Rachel, who was Jacob Black's sister. Brady and Kailey. Shaun, who'd joined before the confrontation with the Volturi had imprinted on a girl named Sophia. The other two with mates were Ryan, who had Devon, and Flinn, who had Hope. The others in the first pack were Collin, Justin, Miles, Carter, Riley, Landon, and the second of her kind, Casey.

The "third" pack- which was created last- was led by Jacob Black, who was mated to Renesmee Cullen. His second was Leah. Then there was Quil Ateara and his Claire, Seth, and my Embry.

The "second" pack was my dad and brothers, and they weren't here yet.

Three older people were with them too- the Elders. Billy Black, Old Quil Ateara, and Sue Clearwater.

All of them watched my approach uneasily. Embry was tense, protective. The call had unnerved the packs. I looked into each of their eyes. Finally, my gaze met Billy's, and he seemed to see what the others couldn't- my spiritual presence.

"Who might you be?" he asked, slightly awed. The others snapped their heads towards him, surprised by his wondering tone.

I took a few more steps, and then straightened myself, pulling in my power. I could see a faint glow come over my skin, strange because that had only happened once. But drawing in power was so much easier here. So much more effortless. The glow was a result of that extra force.

"Do not be afraid, Protectors of the Quileutes. I am Raven, a guardian of the Spirit Realm. I have been sent here to aid the pack in finding peace. I am the daughter of Taha Wi, who was forced to abandon the tribe, centuries ago, to protect the one he imprinted upon. I return now to this land to pass on lost knowledge and provide guidance." My voice was calm and clear. I focused my energy on sharing that calmness. It worked.

After some brief casual greetings, I was asked to elaborate on my role. I had everyone sit in circle, and chairs were brought out for Sue and Old Quil. I sat comfortably in Embry's lap at the head of the circle. Jacob and Renesmee looked at me with the most curiosity. They knew that I was the child of a couple just like them.

"Long ago," I began, "the Quileutes lived in harmony with all around them. There was peace throughout their lands, and the tribes around them lived in peace as well. But man is forever susceptible to corruption. As time went by, our small tribe needed a greater way to protect themselves. They prayed to the gods and the great spirits, asking for their help. One day, a strange woman came. At first, the people thought she was a goddess. She had dark skin and hair, and she wore strange clothes. When the tribe tried to worship her she told them that she was no god, but instead, simply a friend. The stranger spoke in our ancient tongue, and she passed on a secret knowledge to our warriors. With the knowledge she'd given them, the first of the Great Spirit Chiefs, who is now known as Kahn, devised a way for his men to enter the spirit world. The woman was delighted by Kahn's new power, and aided him in developing it. Soon, the Spirit Warriors were born. Generation to generation, the skill was passed down. Finally, the time of Taha Aki arrived. As you know, The Last Great Spirit Chief, Taha Aki, began the pack. One day, after hearing of the deaths of women in neighboring tribes, he sent his oldest son, Taha Wi, and five of his brothers to hunt down the creature that was murdering innocents.  When they followed the trail, they found a strange, burning scent. Taha Wi sent the youngest of his brothers back to the tribe to report to their father, and continued searching. Soon after they had separated, the three remaining searchers found the scent's source- feeding on the lifeless body of a young girl. It was a strange, stone man, with white skin and red eyes and an unbeating heart. The wolves attacked, but the creature killed two of them almost instantly. Taha Wi struggled to protect himself, but the creature was too strong. He was gravely wounded when suddenly, another strange being appeared. This one was a young woman. She had the same pale, stony skin as the man, but her eyes were warm brown, and her heart was beating. It took only an instant before Taha Wi felt his soul become bound to the woman. His heart filled with fear for her. He couldn't allow this monster to harm her. He tried to rise, but he was too weak. But the Stone Man had seen the woman, too. They spoke in a strange tongue, and suddenly, the woman was angry. The creature fell to the ground screaming, mad, terrified. The woman rushed to Taha Wi's side. 'Mo Mac Tire,' she whispered. The wolf's eyes closed."

They were all wrapped into the story. This part was new. They had never heard my parents' story.

I continued. "When he awoke, many days had passed. He was lying in a cave, deep in the mountains, and the woman was beside him, singing softly. She had nursed him to health. When he tried to speak to her, he found that they didn't speak the same language. But the woman's mind was quick. She learned our tongue in a week. She explained to him what Cold Ones were. And she told him that she was the daughter of the creature he'd fought and a human woman. She'd come to destroy the Stone Man, but decided to save Taha Wi and allow her father to flee instead. Taha Wi knew the tribe would fear her too much to trust her, and he had no choice but to leave his land to stay with her.

Centuries passed, and they lived together. He learned her tongue, and many others. He mourned the loss of his brothers, but found that when he chose to leave, their voices were lost to him. The woman's name was Berit McCabe. 26 years ago, the pair met a strange woman dying near their home. She had been shot in the stomach, and the baby she was carrying died with her. They tried to save the woman, brought her back to their home and did everything they could, but they were too late. As she died, the woman told them something. She possessed magic. She could see that the two desired a family, but hadn't been able to have one. So with her last breath, she put all her power into Berit, and gave her the ability to conceive. One year later, a daughter was born to them. They named her Raven."

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