Ch 8- Favors

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It took me a long time to get to sleep that night. Though we didn't touch, I could still feel Seth's body heat next to me. Not to mention the fact that he stared at me for a long time before he drifted off.

As usual, I woke up around 8:00 am. Seth was still out like a light. I grabbed my work phone, some clothes, and my toiletries and snuck off to the bathroom. First, I texted Berit to see what she was up to. Will and Lex always grumbled about how early their mom and dad woke up, so I knew that Berit was normally awake at sunrise. My next text was to Al. "We need to schedule a call," I wrote. It would be at least another hour before I got a response from her though. My mentor never used her phone before 9:00 am.

Berit's response came quickly. "I'm starting on breakfast. Several of the wolves are coming to join us. You should too. I think it'll be ready around 9:00 or so, but the pack will finish off everything I make quickly, so get here ASAP."

"Sounds good."

Seth was awake when I stepped out , freshly showered and dressed. "Good morning," I greeted him.

"Good morning." He was beaming at me again. His eyes followed me in awe as I walked across the room.

"Berit, the other half vampire who was at the Cullen's house yesterday, is making breakfast there. Apparently a lot of the wolves are going to be there. I'm pretty much ready, so we'll leave whenever you want."

"I'm ready," he replied. He sounded a little disappointed though. I checked his mind and saw that it was because he'd wanted more time with me. I paused for a moment. I'd have to stop doing that- checking his mind.

I looked at him closely. I did want more time alone with him. Even though we had eternity ahead of us, we were going to move quickly. A small hole in the collar of his t shirt caught my eye. Without word, I walked over to him. Instantly building the magic sequence in my mind, I touched the hole and watched it close up up. I nodded in satisfaction.

"Woah," Seth whispered.

I laughed. "You'll get used to it." We'd talked a bit last night after I called my mom, and I had given him the same explanation of magic that I'd given to the Cullens. "Anyway, let me put my shoes on and then we'll go."

Hand in hand once again, we walked quietly down to the rental car. His thumb moved in soft circles on the back of my hand.

"Did you drive here?" he asked.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "It's a rental."

His brow furrowed. "How old are you?"

"I'm 22. But I have fake IDs for situations like this."

He nodded. "I'm 25."

One we were both in the car, I reached out with my mind to put a tracking spell on Berit. I was most familiar with her, so it was easier to follow her.

Seth and I chatted while I drove. I found out that he had a sister named Leah who was also a wolf. His mom, Sue, was a tribe elder. His dad had been an elder, but passed when Seth was fourteen. A couple years later, his mom remarried. His stepped dad was Charlie Swan, Bella Cullen's father.

He asked me questions about my family. I explained that I had come here to find Rosalie, who was my long-lost great aunt. I told him about my mom, grandfather, and my brother Chris, and his wife Ace. I mentioned that my dad also passed when I was young.

The Cullen's driveway was long and unkempt. I knew that they were only visiting Forks briefly, so they didn't bother landscaping to avoid people know that there was anyone in the house. Just as we pulled up, Raven stepped out of the woods with another wolf. A sigh escaped me. She and I were going to have a talk. Though I wasn't mad, I didn't appreciate her springing this on me. I had no doubt that she'd planned this.

"It's good to see you Brielle. Can I talk to you for a moment? Privately?" Raven asked.

"Yes, of course," I replied slightly sarcastically. We sent the men inside and then I created a shield around us. "Well?"

"I'm sorry to surprise you this way. I didn't really have a choice, you know. I have tasks to complete and this was one of them," she stated calmly.

I hummed. "It's alright I suppose. I have to assume that you know what you're doing."

"Thank you for your confidence," she replied. "And since you're so confident with me, I have a favor to ask. I heard you're bring the Cullens to the Archives. Bring Leah Clearwater with you."

"Seth's sister?"

"Yes. I think her story would be a good addition to the Archives, don't you? The first female Quileute wolf! That's the kind of thing the High Witch likes to record. And who knows, maybe there's someone other than the High Witch who'll enjoy her company."

Even though she was vague, I knew exactly what she was getting at. Raven was not the type to volunteer information on the pack or its members. So if she wanted Leah to go to the Archives, there had to be another reason.

I pulled in a shocked breath. Raven was busying herself match making for the packs right now. There was someone she wanted Leah to meet. Someone she wouldn't be able to meet anywhere else.

Mikhail. It had to be Mikhail. Al and Olly's nephew, the oldest of the partial blooded Hellions, was almost always present when strangers entered the Archives. He was a security guard of sorts. There was no way I was going to keep him and Leah from meeting.

"I'll make sure she joins us," I promised Raven.


I didn't know how much more dramatic this could get. I was definitely in for a wild ride.

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