Ch 13- Beyond Fate

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The moment Leah's eyes met Mikhail's, a pure white light surrounded them. A second later, the lengthy formula for the hellion's mating spell appeared in the air, splitting and surrounding each of the new mates. 

While all of that was happening, everyone had come rushing towards the sound of Mikhail's roar. Olly appeared before he finished, Al less than a second later. Angel had run back, though she slowed down to accommodate Carlisle. 

Olly let out a sigh of relief when the light appeared. "That scared the heck out of me. I was afraid he'd lost it." Olly looked even more unnatural than her nieces and nephew. Her skin was more grey, her body more smooth. You could see the muscles in her legs ripple with every carefully controlled step. And her irises were pure glowing purple. The glow was so bright that her eyes could be seen in the dark.

The others behind me were all struggling to keep their composure. All four hellions were surrounding them and the pressure was weighing on my companions. I dropped back slightly and cast a wave of sensory numbing calm onto them. They all visibly relaxed.

"Well, it seems we've added a new member to our little family. Mikhail, why don't you take Leah to the residences," Al said. Her mind reached to the hidden rune that transported those with the highest clearance to and from the home of the Grand High Witch. "I've just adjust the rune to work for her. We'll give you some time together."

Without saying anything, Mikhail scooped a stunned Leah into his arms and dashed off, moving slower than normal so as not to freak her out. Seth and Jacob frowned when they left and I gave them a reassuring smile.

"Now, why don't we get back to business. I'm the Grand High Witch, Alunara. Please just call me by my name. I'm sure there are things you'd all like to research, so please feel free to ask one of my nieces or Brielle to help you locate our resources. Mr. Cullen, if you would follow my mate and I, we'll escort you back to the interview room." Al's tone was polite but dismissive.

We all divided into groups. Mars took Alice, Jasper, and Esme to look for information on seers. Edward and Bella followed Elsie toward the records of the Volturi. Angel took Rosalie and Emmett to find general information on magic. 

I was the one who escorted Seth, Jacob, and Renesmee to our information on the Quileutes. When we arrived the the old worn out books that Al had written their stories into, I pulled out each book and cast the redaction spell. There wasn't much in these books that they wouldn't be able to learn, but it was better safe than sorry. On top of that, I added a translation spell. The text was written in multiple languages. The spell would allow them to read the words in common English. 

I became absent minded as they began looking through the long lost stories of their tribe. Mikhail's connection with Leah brought me back to the day, two years ago, when we found Mars. It was truly a horrific day.

Olly and Mikhail were pinning down and berserk Elsie. Both were desperately begging Al and Fernanda to do something. They knew if we couldn't bring Elsie's mate back, she'd have to be killed, a task no one wanted to undertake. Gavrila and I sat next to each other. Mars' cold body, dead for at least a day, sat in front of us.

"Brielle," Gavrila spoke into my mind. "The healing magic you've been working on, I think you might be able to use it on her."

I stared at her. "Are you crazy? Necromancy isn't possible."

"Maybe it wasn't. But your spell works by altering fate, not by affecting the body directly like traditional healing magic. If you change your thought process around it, you might be able to resurrect this girl. You have to at least try," she pleaded. Her eyes flashed meaningfully over to the roaring hellion, crying out in agony.

I nodded. I knew she was right. I had to try.

The formula came forward into my mind, the version I'd created to regrow lost body parts. I reviewed it carefully. It wouldn't work in its current form. I began making revisions. Instead of healing physical things, I changed the variable to restore energy. In this case, the energy of the soul. Another variable indicated where something was to reattach. I changed the range to include the whole body.

My main issue was finding what to bring back. We'd never met this girl. Only stumbled across her corpse. I had to find some information on her, some basis to begin with. There was only one person here who would have that. 

"Gavrila, I need you to secure my mind. Focus on my sanity," I said.

She looked at me. "What are you planning?"

"I need more information on the girl to make it work," I told her. I flashed a quick glance towards Elsie and she understood. I felt her power anchoring my mind. She kept her own mind as detached from me as possible.

My mind reached out until I grasped Elsie's.

"Brielle, no!" Al shouted. I couldn't listen. I began gathering what I could. The girl's smell, her aura, her bond to the hellion. It was all there was. I pulled back quickly and gasped. The time inside an out of control hellion was torturous. The fog around her thoughts had been horrific, a force built of pure chaos. After assessing me to ensure there was no lasting mental damage, Gavrila let me go.

I wasn't sure that this was everything I needed, but I knew it was all I could get. I plugged everything in and began to pull deep inside of me, drawing out all the power I could. I threw the fuel into the equation and prayed.

A brilliant gold shimmer burst forth, bathing the field in a light like the purest sun. An angelic chorus seemed to sing out as a wave of magic energy exploded out of me. I'd never felt power that strong, not even from the Grand High Witch. It filled the air,  encompassing us all. The girl in front of me became warm, color returned to her, and her body quivered slightly. She gasped loudly.

Everyone froze. The girl was panting hard and so was I. I was utterly drained, but the last notes of the heavens' song were flowing through me, bringing a peace I could never have imagined. 

The girl propped herself up on her elbow and looked around. Elsie, now released, was at her side in an instant. I looked away and yelped in shock. It was impossible. It wasn't just the hellion's mate I'd resurrected.

There were at least a dozen long dead bodies scatter across the field close to us. And two of them, both children, had sucked in the first breaths of their new lives. 

That was the day that I became "The Child of the Fates." It sounded impressive, but I'd always thought it didn't fit. I wasn't adhering to the fates of those I saved or destroyed. I was changing them; defying the path that the universe said laid out for them. 

Soon after I was named Al's successor. My power continued to grow and  in time, I was forced to discover the darker side of my power. The part that could obliterate cities in an instant. The weight of my abilities was a heavy burden to carry. But I'd shouldered it all these years, and I'll continue doing so until the end of time.

Seth shook my shoulder. "Brielle, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I assured him quickly. "Just thinking about somethings from the past. There's nothing to worry about."

He nodded and I joined my companions in their quest for knowledge.

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