Ch 10- Keep It Calm

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The wolves and humans who weren't directly connected to the families packed into the Cullen house left a few hours after breakfast. Bella and Charlie moved to the front room. The rest of us stayed at the dining table- there were too many to be comfortable out there.

We did change spots, though. The McCabes and their new additions sat at one end of the table with Billy, Jacob, and Renesmee. Most of the Cullens were focused on their discussions, but Rosalie stood just behind me, one hand on the back of my chair, and Emmett was leaning on the wall behind her. Seth was on my other side, Leah was across from, and Sue was beside her. Again, I gave a rudimentary explanation of magic, and told them why I was here. Today, our conversation was more in depth.

"How do you even learn magic? Is it just handed down?" Leah asked.

I shook my head. "No, not usually. A long time ago, a couple thousand years ago, it was like that. But when my mentor assembled the magic council, one of the first things she did was create The Academy. It's the only school of magic."

"Did you go?" Seth wondered.

"Yeah, I did. Actually, I spent more time there than most. In general, it's pretty much an elementary school with magic class. Most witches can learn all the magic they're capable of by age 11 or so. After that, they integrate into the normal human world, and live the rest of their lives as humans. However, the Academy keeps students on until they've either learned everything within their capacity, or they have enough knowledge to develop on their own. The goal is to make sure that nobody loses control of their magic. I actually spent 15 years there. Went a year early, and stayed eight years later."

"I'm gonna guess that you're pretty powerful then?" Emmett's humorous voice remarked.

I snorted. That was an understatement. "Yes, actually, I am. I'm not sure if you remember, Emmett, but Berit mentioned that I'd been nominated to the council. I was actually named 'Grand Witch Protégée'- the successor to the Grand High Witch."

He whistled lowly. Leah and Sue, who seemed to be extremely similar, let out wide eyed-gasps. The conversation at the other end of the table cut off as well. The McCabe's were unsurprised, except Will, which was probably because he wasn't paying attention when his mom told him.

Part of me wanted to shrink down at the attention. But the larger part of me stuck to the training Al had given me. I'd be startling people for thousands of years, so I had to learn not to let their reactions get to me.

"Anyway," Berit said in an over exaggerated tone, launching back into the conversation they'd been having. The others pretended to refocus.

I began answering questions about the council. I explained its top members, the general functions it performed, its history. There were also a lot of carefully dodged questions about my abilities.

Around noon, Raven announced that she needed to meet with the packs again, and the Quileutes all stood to leave. I asked Leah to stay back a moment, and Raven gave me a small smile on her way out, mouthing "thank you" as our eyes met. The Cullens, as well as Berit and Mitch, who'd hung back, looked at me.

"So," I began. "The Grand High Witch, Alunara, called me earlier. We arranged everything, and as long as it works for you, I'll take you to the Archives tomorrow at ten. I know that she'll be interviewing Carlisle, Alice, and Leah in particular. I may sit in on that, but more than likely, I'll be helping the rest of you. You'll be given access to the standard clearance materials in the Archives. That will cover all of human history and prehistory, nearly all of vampire history, and most magic history. There's also a good amount of information on the Quileutes."

"What does she want to interview me for?" Leah asked.

"You're the first female Quileute shifter, " I explained. "That's the type of knowledge she makes sure she has. It was actually Raven's suggestion." She frowned slightly.

After I got everyones agreement I delved deeper into what the visit would entail. "In order to get to the Archives, I'll create a gate through one of the doors here. They'll be a black void that you'll walk through. When you get across, you'll be in a room of doorways with more voids. Just wait there. Once I'm across, we'll go meet with the Grand High Witch. I'll give Carlisle, Alice, and Leah a run down of some of the things she'll likely ask later. Everyone with me?"

They nodded. "Now, there's something you'll have to prepare for. They're called the Hellions."

Berit hummed and nodded in agreement. Her eyes moved across the room, passing over each face. "They'll unsettle you, scare you initially. Keep yourselves calm. They won't mean harm, it's just their natural presence."

"Right," I agree. "There's not much I can explain about them, but they are some kind of unique species. Their leader is Olly, Alunara's mate. She's the physically strongest being in existence- by a long shot. No vampire could ever even compare. She has two nieces and a nephew who are usually in the Archives. Mikhail is the oldest. He's about 31. Then there's Elizaveta, whose 22. She has a mate named Mars. Angelina is the youngest- she's 11. Their parents are dead, don't ask or mention it. Under no circumstances are you to challenge them to any kind of fight- even just a sparring match. They wouldn't accept, but don't try it. Every single one of them could destroy the entire Volturi by themselves with ease."

I noticed Jasper tensing up. His eyes narrowed. I stared him down. "Limit your defensive reactions. They won't harm you, but when you're on edge they are too. Just relax." My words were firm.

Berit spoke up. "Brielle, I think Edward may need some extra help when he meets them. Their minds aren't pleasant places to be," she said pointedly.

"You're right, I suppose," I muttered, leaning back in my chair. My gaze drifted to Edward. "It's not that their thoughts are horrible or anything, but their minds are overpowering. It's very difficult to be in their heads for any amount of time. I'm going to have to block you from using your gift."

"I could just tune them out," he argued. Berit shook her head.

"No, you can't. Not completely. I have to block your gift if you want to go. You'll go insane if I don't. I don't need you trying to murder your family in the Archives," I countered harshly.

Eventually, I got everybody on the same page. They were all worried, but with Berit's help, I calmed them down.

Tomorrow would be interesting.

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