Ch 7- Making Plans

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Seth was holding me upright when I came to. He looked mildly panicked.

"I'm alright," I said calmly. "I can see the future sometimes, and my visions are disorienting. That's all." I knew that Seth and I would be together, and I was somewhat resigned. I hadn't been planning on getting into any kind of relationship for at least another century or so.

"Are you sure? Maybe you should sit down," he fretted. I smiled, nodded, and took his hand to lead him back into the house. He smiled at the gesture. Part of a life where you can see the future was learning to adapt and accept things quickly. I saw no point in fighting or delaying this connection, so I figured I should just lean in. From what I saw with Berit and Mitch, and what I knew from research in the Archives, I would be happy.

"I was actually planning on heading back to my hotel room to make some calls now. If you want to you're welcome to come along."

His response was quick. "As long as you're okay with it, I'll go."

"Alright then. Let me grab my purse from inside."

We continued to hold hands as we walked inside. Everyone watched us enter. Raven looked incredibly smug. I almost wanted to slap her.

"I have a few things I have to take care of, so I'll be heading back to my hotel," I informed them. "Berit where are you headed tonight?"

"We'll be staying here, at the Cullens' invitation," she responded.

"I'll call you in the morning to touch base then."

She nodded. "Sounds good."

I turned to Rosalie. "I'll be calling my mom and grandfather tonight. Should I pass on the news?"

"Yes, if you think he'll be okay with it," Rosalie replied.

"I'll tell him then."

After grabbing my purse and saying goodbye to everyone, Seth and I headed outside. I looked at him. "I'm just going to teleport us to a park close the the hotel. Don't freak out or anything." He nodded and I brought us back the the trail I had left from.

Hand in hand, we walked to the hotel. Our hands seemed to fit together perfectly. I also noticed that he was very warm. Heat radiated off of him, which was certainly helpful in this cold. The silence was comfortable and despite the fact that we'd just met, I had no problem with bringing him to my hotel to spend the night.

My mind, as always, was working very fast. According to the data in the Archives, Quileutes and their imprintees were made for each other. The Archives also mentioned that the attraction wasn't entirely one sided. The wolf would feel the connection the strongest, but the imprintee would also feel a minor pull, which would grow over time. I tried to analyze the situation from a more objective standpoint. As a witch, my mind naturally moved faster than a human mind. A train of thought that might take a human five minutes to process would only take me a minute. That would likely mean that the pull I felt would grow much faster. This theory would be supported by my vision. Angelina appeared to be about 12 or so in it, and she was a few months off from 11 now.

I bounced from thought to thought, trying to prepare myself for a life with Seth.

I'd have to find a new place to live. Maybe I'd find something in Forks, or even build a house nearby. I could even try building something near Berit. That could be good, since like the McCabes, Seth and I wouldn't be aging.

We'd have to find a way to limit what thoughts Seth could share with his pack. He may see or hear things around me that he shouldn't tell others. That could be something else Gavrila could help with. Al's niece-in-law, Mars, might have some ideas too.

He'd need some kind of crash course in magic history. I'd have to find some good books in the library.

I wondered if Seth would be able to use magic keys. I'd have to do a scan to see if he had any magic abilities. Keys used virtually no power for most gates, so many humans who only had with ancestry, without any powers of their own, could use keys too.

By the time we reached the hotel, I already had a list of what I needed to do to make this all go smoothly. We entered through the door on the side of the building to avoid attention from the desk staff.

"I'm up on the second floor," I informed him. He nodded. Though it felt a little rude to peek into his thoughts, I was wondered why he was being so quiet. I quickly saw it was a mixture between shock, awe, and nerves. He still didn't know what to say to me.

I almost laughed as I watched him enter the room behind me. Despite his youthful face, he was very tall, and very muscular. He had to turn to get through the door, which he only figured out after bumping into the frame. I wasn't able to suppress my grin though, and he caught me smiling. Even though he knew it was his awkwardness that I was laughing at, his answering smile was still exultant.

I placed my bag on the desk and rummaged for my phone. "I'm just going to call my mom, and then we'll talk, okay?"

"Oh, yeah, of course!" He paused. "What all are you going to talk to her about?"

I knew what he really meant. "I'll tell her about the Cullens, and seeing Berit. But more to the point, yes, I'll be telling her about us." His face lit up when I said us. I couldn't help but smile back. His joy was so pure, it was irresistible. I headed into the bathroom to have some privacy, and blocked out sound, more out of habit than out of any need for secrecy.

The phone rang twice before Mom picked up.

"How did it go?" My mother always got straight to the point, almost always skipping a greeting when answering the phone.

"I found her. She's going to come to the party."

"Oh my goodness! What's she like? Tell me about her," Mom ordered.

I told her all about meeting Rosalie. About our discussion of the family, about what I knew of her life. "She's a very passionate person. But you should probably tell Grandpa about her, and about vampires before hand. It would also be good to let him know that the Cullen Coven doesn't drink human blood."

"Do they drink artificial blood? I think I heard the council makes that for some vampires."

"No, they actually drink animal blood. It's a long story. They're also connected with the Quileutes through an imprinting. Do you remember Berit and Mitch McCabe?" We talked for a while about the other events of the day, until finally I reached the other important part of the story. "I met someone else important today, Mom."

"Oh? Who was it?"

I took a deep breath. "I met my mate."

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