Ch 18- Just Three Words

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I was totally unfocused the rest of the day. Raven, Embry, DaKoda, and Casey all came over to the Cullens' and I held conversations when I needed to, but my thoughts were far away from things happening around me.

I had realized today that I loved Seth. I had no experience with relationships and romantic love, and the intensity of this one was difficult to come to grips with. But I had no doubts anymore. I couldn't picture a future without Seth anymore, and I didn't want to either.

The near constant physical contact with Seth both comforted me and made me nervous now. The small circles his thumb would trace on the back of my hand gave me butterflies. His warm hand on my back and his arm around my shoulders forced me to fight off deep blushes.

We went back to the hotel that night without Gavrila. She'd decided to stay longer and catch up with Berit.

My mind raced as I showered, and I grew more and more anxious by the second. The words had been ready to slip out all day, and I knew I couldn't hold them back any longer. I was normally good about keeping secrets and hiding my emotions, but with Seth, it was hard to do that. Having someone I could trust so absolutely made it difficult to conceal what was on my mind.

When I walked out of the bathroom, he was sitting up in the bed, waiting patiently for me. I melted when that bright smile lit up his face. Every time he saw me, the grin came out. I took in a deep breath and walked towards him.

I could do this. I could do this. I repeated those words over and over in my mind. I got up on the bed and found myself straddling his lap, holding his surprised face in my hands. I stared deeply into those warm brown eyes, and I felt my own prickle with tears. The emotion was so overwhelming. I gathered up my courage. Just three words. Three small words. I could do this.

"I love you," I whispered. His eyes went wide and he gasped. Warmth flooded my body and I gathered myself again. "I love you," I said, louder this time. It was easier now.

The most radiant smile I'd ever seen burst across his face, and I matched it automatically.

"I love you, Brielle Hale," he told me. "More than anything in this entire world."

The happy tears slipped down my face. He reached up and wiped them away. "Please tell me those are happy tears," he said.

I nodded. "The happiest tears," I assured him. My thumbs stroked his cheeks gently.

"I'm glad to hear that," he laughed. My heart fluttered.

"Forever is a long time," I said. "But I know that I can face it if I have you." I'd never spoken truer words.

He pulled me in, holding me tightly and resting his chin on top of my head. "I never thought that I'd really live forever, even though I knew I could. But now, an eternity with you doesn't seem like enough," he murmured softly.

Carefully, I pulled away. There was something else that I need to do. I cupped his face in my hands again and leaned in slowly. I felt my eyes close.

It felt so right to kiss Seth. He didn't hesitate even a moment in his response. Our lips moved slowly against each other. There was no urgency in our kiss. It was a little sloppy, and somewhat shy. Neither of us had ever kissed anyone before, so we didn't really know what to do. But it was absolutely perfect.

Every detail of the moment burned itself in my brain. The way his hands tightened slightly on my waist when our lips met. The small smiles on our faces. How soft his lips felt against mine. How warm his body was. I knew I'd never forget this.

When we finally pulled away, both reluctant, his eyes remained closed and a gentle grin rested on his peaceful face.

"I love you," I said again. I would never tire of telling him that. His eyes opened. And I gasped at the intensity of the emotions swirling in them.

The only words we spoke the rest of the night were those three small words that had amazed us both. There were more kisses, each one just as magical as the first. When we finally fell asleep, I was wrapped in his large arms, my head resting over his heart. It was the most peaceful sleep of my life.

The next week and a half flew by. Gavrila left two days after she arrived. She wanted to up her home security and get things ready for her shift from an independent to a council member. I knew from experience how tedious that could be. The McCabes decided to leave the same day that I was bringing Rosalie, Emmett, and of course Seth to my grandfather's party. I had been texting my mom frequently throughout the days I'd been in Forks, making sure everything was ready. Rosalie had been asking me lots of questions for the past few days, trying to gather every detail she possibly could to prepare herself to see my grandfather.

Seth and I had gotten more and more comfortable professing our love. We said it all the time now. It still made me giddy every time I heard it.

And now we were all gathered at the Cullen house, dressed and ready to go to the long awaited party. Rosalie and Seth seemed nervous. Emmett was as laid back as ever, and I was confident that everything would be okay.

"Are you ready?" I asked Rosalie.

She nodded slowly. "I'm just nervous. It's been so long, and I, well, I look quite different."

"It's going to be fine. We've told him what he needs to know. He knows that you're not human, though he doesn't know what you are. He's met enough unchanging people not to be scared, I promise," I reassured her. She nodded again.

After a quick look at Seth, I turned to the door, and created the gate to my mom's house. It was time for a family reunion.

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