is it worth it?

20 6 0

"you're starting to come back
just like how i wished you to be
you're starting to bring back
the past of you and me
are you true? is this worth it?
are the questions that bothers myself
are you true? is this worth it?
i hope the answer's yes."


Dear Xavion,

Hi! I'll keep this short since i still have lots of projects to do, but, i'm not even exhausted at all kkdkdksf i feel like i'm full of energy oml.

So, it was maybe like yesterday or the other day when we started taking to each other again, and to me, it seems like a relief.

As if a knot on my heart loosened.

And i felt like i became a little bit cheerful again lols.

Hannah told me that you broke up with her 4 days after you guys went official, and that was like weeks ago, so am i a bad friend if i tell you that i'm kinda glad 'cause we have a small chance of coming back now?

Sorry hehe.

But i am curious as to why you're sweet with Hannah even though you broke up with her lololol.

Maybe you just don't like labels? Idk. idc.


I mean, I'll talk about us haha

I'm happy that we're talking again, i'm also kinda glad that you made the first move lol.

And i'm also thankful for our adviser, he partnered us up for the quarter end performance task, so we had no choice but to talk again and cooperate with each other.

I guess he noticed something wrong since he smiled and looked at me weirdly lololols

We're not that close as we used to, but at least we're starting off again, right?

From strangers to friends, friends to lovers, lovers to strangers, and now strangers to friends again.

I feel like we're in a cycle, or a loop.

But that's all for now, Xav. I have lots of projects to do still, so bye!!

- Loving, Celestia

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