𝐹𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑠ℎ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠

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(____) - name lol

E/c - eye color

H/c - hair color

[These are obvious but whatever]


A hand could be heard smashing on a table, an almost drunken man was putting his head on the table while he hold a dandelion wine on his other hand, he was bored, and kinda tired. He had at least drink two dandelion wine, but that's not enough to compare to that one bard..But besides that, it seem he can't really get up from his seat, because of tiredness, or just laziness. A sigh could be heard in front of him,

"(____), you should go home and get some rest."

"Really? Do I even need to sleep?"

"..Yes. Just leave already."

"Okay, whatever."

He finally got up from his seat and paid his red head friend, also known as Diluc. The man, (____), thank his friend for the drink and left the tavern. When leaving, he didn't notice how his 'friend' was giving a dirty look..But (____) could feel that his friend is staring at him, he just didn't know he was giving him a dirty look.


"Rest? What's that? I don't know her?"

(____) let out a small chuckles at his own little joke, he was wandering around Mondstadt instead of getting home, he just feels like getting a fresh air won't hurt. He's just saying his greetings to the people that are here, nothing else, he will go outside Mondstadt soon..He just felt like it, he just want to see the beautiful green grass again, or probably just rest in the woods instead. He looked up at the sky when walking, having a small smile that appear on his face, he always say this all the time but..Mondstadt is really a beautiful place. Something that a lot of people say, but it really is to be honest! He wasn't born here, but he just met the people when he was 18 year old..He never forget the time when a certain dark blue hair male help him.

They were..Well, best friends when they first met.

Though, it's now present, they never often talk to eachother anymore. It's a long story, they stop talking a few months ago! I'm afraid that (____) will never forget the past, an awful past about him and the male friendship crumble.

He sigh thinking at the thought, it was..Not great. He finally decided to go outside of Mondstadt, thinking it will probably be the best way for him to get rid of these bad memories, but it will probably stay in his mind for weeks..Just small rest at the woods wouldn't hurt.

While walking outside of Mondstadt, he suddenly stumbled upon Traveller, also known as the Honorary knight.

"Oh, hey Traveller! How're you doing? Where have you been?"

"..I was at Liyue. What do you want? Do you want me to help you again?"

"Nope, there's nothing for you to do. Just go get some rest, Traveller."

(____) walk pass the blonde hair male and his floating friend, they both look at (____) that was walking away, they also gave him a..Dirty look. (____) can also feel the two of them were looking at him, but he just shrugged it off and decide to move on, they're just looking at him, nothing more than that, right?
When (____) was far away, the two talk to eachother while entering Mondstadt,


"Jeez, he's such a dweeb! He's so annoying and greedy for everything! Why won't he just-"

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