First encounter with the Golden Dawn

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Also, if any of y'all are confused to what (____) was wearing, just imagine a tight grey shirt. And that's it.

I will be giving (____) his new clothes after the dungeon mission.

This chapter is also short with a lot of talking. Apologies.


"I've repaid that favor...Asta!"


Asta and the black hair male stare at eachother with a smirk, (____) had also recognize the black hair male, and it seem that Asta and him knows eachother.

Thinking things be just be an awkward silence, a man decided to speak,

"Yuno. Why did you save them?"


(____) look at the person who had speak, who is behind the guy whose name is Yuno..It was a male with glasses who spoke, and by just looking at him, he must be a rude person.

"Our mission is merely to capture the dungeon. In other words, we must reach to the treasure hall at the centre as quickly as possible. We don't have time to bother with them!"

'Rude much.'

(____) didn't expect much from the Golden Dawn, he did guess they were rude at the entrance exam, though he didn't expect them to be rude just after they had met. He didn't like them already. Another had spoke,

"My, my! If it isn't Noelle!"

It was a girl, and it seem she knows Noelle, she looks kind but her attitude isn't. (____) watches as she and Noelle start to have a conversation, the Golden Dawn girl saying that the Black Bulls are a 'barbaric' groups. (____) frown just by hearing that,

"What about you, Mimosa? Can someone as dim-witted as you survive as part of the Golden Dawn?"

'Her name is Mimosa..'

"Yes, everyone's very kind. Thanks to them, I'm able to use my magic without worry. You couldn't control your magic at all, Noelle. How's that gone for you?"

'So what if she can't control her magic? No need to be rude about it, lady!'

And then the topics change when the Golden Dawn girl, who is Mimosa, said that they received a star the other day. They didn't even say anything to (____)...(____) wasn't really impressed that they received a star, he did receive one too so he doesn't really care anymore. The Black Bulls had said that they also got a star a few days back too, but four eyes called them a liar, for no reason.

"As if mere Black Bull newbies could get a star so easily. It's impudent of them to even give you this mission."

"The Wizard King had asked for us directly!"

"Another transparent lie."

'Dude, what is your problem?!'

(____) is sick and tired of this Golden Dawn guy, maybe the girl wasn't that bad after all. And the fact that they completely ignoring (____)'s existence and that says a lot, clearly they hate the Black Bulls more here. The Golden Dawn are really getting on his nerve,

"Come to think of it...I heard there were three of you here. Where's the other one? Don't tell me he left and fled home, or has he already fallen prey to a trap spell?"

(____) had enough of the man not acknowledging his existence, he decided to let the Golden Dawn knows that he exist instead because he can't let them just insult the Black Bulls out of the blue,

"Hey, hey! What are you talking about? I'm here you know."

The Golden Dawn 'noticed' (____) after he had spoke, though they fully ignore him as if they don't want to do anything with him, because he's an Silver Eagle. Though the girl did wave at him, and he did wave back.

"Either way, they're a pack of 'never-do-wells' who abandoned their new members.

The Black Bulls...Are a filthy disgrace to the Magic Knights!"

'You son of a-'

. . . .

"How is my new comrade doing? Is he alright with that kid you said?"

"Well, he seem a little bit stressed. By the looks of it, that boy seem to have an argument with..Somebody. Do you really want to help Asher?"

"Yes, of course. I accept any offers when it comes to you, boss. Besides, I can wait for a week."

"..Alright then. Don't blame me if you'll regret it."

" Trust me, I won't. I'm not the type of guy to get bother easily."

. . . .
(After a fight with four eyes freak..)

"Fine, you fools! We'll show you the difference between the top Magic Knights and you dregs!"

'What the fuck is the meaning of dregs.'


Mimosa suddenly pull out her grimoire and cast a spell, this..Weird looking guidepost appear, and it seem it was made out of a plant, well, not really. Though it was cool how it can show the different parts of the dungeon, (____) was impressed. And then it was Yuno's turn to show off, he also cast a cool spell that can carry him and his teammates, which..Is only the Golden Dawn of course. The guy is really impressive too, and the fact that all of the Magic Knights captains raise their hands at the entrance exam..

Well, these are the people they're gonna compete with.

'They're bunch of asshole but they are sure interesting!'

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