New world?

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(____) Quickly opening his eyes without hesitation, his breath hitched when he was met with the sky, he got up from his laying position, looking around to see if he's still at the Whispering Woods..Which he isn't, he was in a different place, it was like an mountain or something? He felt something heavy on his lap, he look down to see a light blue book on him, he inhaled and exhaled, he took the book and start flipping page to page to see if there's something that had information to why he's here or just..Something useful! But he didn't find anything useful in the book, all it had was random and weird letters, he cannot understand it.

He looked at the distance, seeing this big..Looking place? It was so far away, he feels like there's no way getting there, but it's not like he will? But then again, where would he go? There's nowhere to go, he's just on top of a mountain.

'This..This must be a nightmare! This can't be happening!? This is not real!'

"It's easy to accept things like this, it's not like you're finally 'dead', so calm down."

He heard the voice once again, he gritted his teeth and yelled at the voice, telling it need to bring him back in Teyvat, he didn't want to stay here any longer.


"Who are you calling a fool!? You're the one who suddenly bring me here! I am NOT accepting this bullshit!"

"You can't do anything, I am in CHARGE."

(____) bit his lips, he was holding back tears, he didn't want to stay here any longer..He just want to go back to Teyvat. He again, pleaded the voice to bring him back, his voice getting a bit weak. The voice sigh upon hearing (____) begging for it to bring him back to his original place, he knows the poor guy is afraid, but he didn't bother to do it, he didn't..Want him to have more people hating on him, (____) would possibly found out about it.

"Come on kid. There's no going back to Teyvat, I know it's hard, but trust me, you wouldn't want to know the truth about some of those nasty people in Mondstadt."

It explained, (____) didn't know what it means, what does it mean by 'nasty people'? Who knows.

"What..? No one is nasty at Mondstadt!..Everyone is..Uh.."

"Everyone is? Some of them had treated you like shit weeks ago, don't you know how they say you didn't deserve a vision? Hm?"

And with that, (____) had gotten flashback, he didn't know how the voice know all of this, but whatever it is, it was right. People had actually said (____) didn't deserve a vision..A certain female Blondie had said it, with her electro friend. (____) thought it was a joke at first, but apparently they were serious about it. (____) gave out a small chuckled, he..Didn't feel like crying now,

"Hah..Right, my bad I guess. But I still do not want to ac-"

"Too bad, I can't bring you back there, unless you wanna get yourself killed."


"Yeah, I can't bring you back. If I did, you're dead."

(____) sweatdrop when the voice said that, he will die if he go back? That's horrible. (____) didn't want to die, he's still afraid of death..To this day. So, accepting this offer wouldn't do be a problem, right?
(____) sigh, it was the only choice. He accepted it, there's no turning back anyways,

"Very good. Open your grimoire."

"What is a.."

"That damn book."

(____) hum in respond, he didn't know people called it grimoire instead of book here..He open his grimoire and again met with weird letters, he still don't understand, he didn't know how to read..Unless he's very dumb, but I doubt because the letters are weird so of course he doesn't understand. (____) rub his eyes and wait for the voice to say something, at least giving him an ability to understand these things in the book.

"Oh wait, sorry."

An owl figure suddenly appear right in front of him, it was an BLUE owl, with a mask on.

[The photo of an blue owl with a mask is deleted, so just imagine an light blue owl with a mask. Sorry bro]

(____) freak out, why the fuck did a BLUE owl appear right I'm front of him, never see an blue owl before, it looks..Cool? The owl sat on his head and was doing something, then it finally introduce itself, it's name is Asher. Asher the blue owl. (____) thought the name sound kinda cool,

"By the way, this world doesn't have vision, so you're stuck with magic."

'Magic? This world have magic as powers? How odd. And also, one more thing, why am I talking to you in my mind?'

"..So it's easier, you won't have to talk while walking in a crowd, people might think you're crazy if you talk to yourself."

'I see.'

After a few more second, the owl had said it was finished, (____) wanted to say something, but he feels like the question might be a bit weird, so he decided not too..He open his grimoire again and start reading, seem like he finally understand what these letters were, even though he didn't know what Asher did. And apparently, there are bunch of spells that are written in the grimoire,

And btw, I am NOT gonna write all of these spells information.

Cryo creation magic: Anti-dodging
[(____)'s original elemental skill]

Cryo magic: Cold slash

Cryo magic: Ice hand

Cryo magic: Ice consuming

Cryo creation magic: Cryo defense

Cryo magic: Fallen Cryo

Cryo burst:

Cryo magic:

[And much more]

'How about the spells that are empty? What are those?'

"Something you need to unlock in a fight. Anyways, go take the entrance exam."

'What is..A entrance exam?'

"Let me show you."

Now, (____) is starting his new journey, in a world full of magic!
He's not afraid anymore.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒚𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆♧︎︎︎Where stories live. Discover now