Protect and attack

801 39 0

(____) heard a familiar scream. He didn't hesitate to run to where the scream come from.

And there he saw Asta, and the others who are familiar to him.

He walk towards them, Asta was the first to noticed him.

"(____)! I thought you left?"

"Almost did but I choose to stay after there was snow..What happened?"

"Ah! Uh..(____) was it? Since you're out here, did you see the kids go anywhere?"

"Yeah, they leave for a mountain, which...Is seem to be a dangerous place for children to be in. Sorry that I didn't have the time to stop."

"No..It's fine."

He sweatdrop. The voices of the parents calling out for their children made his heart skip a beat. He was worried, very worried somehow.


I'm going to save them!"

"Wait what? Don't we-"


"Will do."

Asta was about to say something again to (____), but the man suddenly disappear in thin air. They stare in shock.

"Where..Did he go!?"

"Wow! He really do know how to do magic tricks!"

"Asta, that's not.."


'God, those poor parents. We really need to save them quick, before the snow mage could do anything bad to them.'

"I know, we're not dumb. We're Magic Knights after all."

'Not you! I am the Magic Knight here!'

(____) was in Asher's wind once again, he was in the snowy mountain where the children headed to. Thankfully they left their snow footsteps along the way..Made it easier for him to track them. But some of the footsteps was quick to disappear because the snow was getting heavy.

'There! I think I can sense their mana in the cave. Who would even put children in such a dangerous place?'

He got out from the wind, and run inside the cave, which he figure where the children are by sensing their mana.

He heard a voice echoed from inside the cave, meaning that it was probably the kidnapper.

"You're a bad girl...You have to be good and stay under my spell. If you don't, we can't be friends."

'Does he think kids are that dumb!?'

(____) was now hiding behind a wall of the kid, peeking to see if the kidnapper was doing anything bad, he didn't wanna come out just yet. Every children was under his spell, except for a certain girl that he recognized....It was the little sister of the sister complex guy.

"No..Putting a spell on people and make them do what you want..That's not a real friend."

His eye widen when the boy yelled at the girl, raising his hand, signing that he was about to slap her. The white hair boy was telling her that friends shouldn't say things like that.

He stepped into the scene, stopping the boy from hitting her. His face darkened.

"Now who do you think you are to hit a child?"

"Mister Magic Knight!"

(____)  slightly bent the boy's hand and punch him with the other hand. He put his arm behind him, signing that he's gonna protect the girl until they get out of this place.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒚𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆♧︎︎︎Where stories live. Discover now