Third eye

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Licht fall onto the ground after the light hit him. The wind around (____) disappear, his eyes couldn't believe what it just saw. He quickly went over to Gauche and grab his shoulders,

"Gauche!! That was so cool!"

"Don't touch me."

"Dang ok."

They went over to the defeated man. They all stared down at him,

"Looks like your own biggest magic smarted a bit. I guess you had another natural enemy. Besides me. Well, shake it off." Yami says casually.

(____) noticed Licht was staring at Gauche.

"I could...Risk hurting..You.."

His voice sounded hoarse. They were weirded out what he just said, Yami told Gauche if the man was his friend. To which he denied it.
Licht told him he'll understand someday. Which made (____) worried. He felt uneasy of their surrounding.

He look up, squinting his eyes. He saw three unfamiliar figures from a distance, his eyes widen. He pat Asta's shoulder, the boy looked at him confused.
He point his finger at the direction he was looking.

"Spatial magic? Ain't the spatial magic guy was out cold?!"

"..No way...

They're the third eye!"


(____) close his mouth shut after he says that. He hope no one actually pay attention to that.

"Wow. Stuff got pretty real here. I think everything's too much work, but even I..."

One of them pauses before randomly appearing in front of the Black Bulls' captain.

"..Have to save my buds."
He continues and touches Yami's grimoire.
He told him he has a weird pattern on his grimoire.

Yami attacked him but he was quick to back away, although the hit did got him.
He groan in pain, but his face shows that he doesn't really care. He quickly heal himself..The recovery spell seems familiar. Almost like Licht's.

'What the..'

One of them went over to Licht and recover him with a magic spell. It looked amazing...But somewhat familiar.

'I've seen that before!'
(____) thought as he sweatdrop. 'We're dead...And what's with that buff ass dude over there?! God damn!'

"Language. There's no time for jokes. This is serious, (____)!"

'I don't know what the fuck is going on!'

"Let me introduce you.
They are the strongest three of the eye of the midnight sun. In combat, they surpass me...The three eye!"

"Well, they're definitely three times stronger than him. Meaning that it's most likely impossible to defeat them...Unless someone strong with backup us."

"..Perhaps, other captains will come to help?"


"I hear that man can copy people's magic..What a pain."

'Copy people's magic?! The fuck??'

"Bluffs are a pain. I wouldn't do that. So I guess I'll prove it. Even if it's a pain in the neck."

The man who had touch Yami's grimoire had Yami's weapon in his hand. Others look in shock and disbelief. Not expecting for him to steal the magic from the captain.

Licht said he had given them their titles..Or, well, names that was the opposite of the meaning from the three leaf clover.

"Raia the disloyal."

He says. The said man, known as Raia, attack the captain of the Black Bulls. He yelled at him for ripping off his magic and threatened to sue him..

And another one came in.
"Vetto the despair."

The Vetto guy tried to hit Yami on the head, but Yami block it with his katana. To which, it broke.

And then another.
"Fana the hateful."

Massive flame almost burn him alive. The lady simply said that she will kill him..Or rather everyone who hurt Licht.

(____) noticed him and the other Black Bulls are inside a black orb. Captain Yami is in front of them, defending them from the attack coming from the third eye.

He watches, afraid and worried for the guy.

Asta told his captain he wants to help. But he says they will watch him surpass his limit.

'Damn. That line is cool! I will use that!'

As the third eye was about to launch an attack again, a portal appeared and came multiple attacks that stopped them.

(____)'s eyes widen as he saw familiar figures.

His lips curved into a smile after seeing the three captains...Including his.

'Finally. Been wanting to see you in battle, captain!'

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒚𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆♧︎︎︎Where stories live. Discover now