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(____) open his eyes, a weird purple like aura surrounded him. He sigh in relief, thinking he would've been crushed by now..

"Hey, thank me for saving your ass!"

'Fuck you.'

"Asher, teach this kid some manners!"

"Shut up."

Asher helped (____) get out of the giant rocks surrounding him by using his magic. Asher easily get rid of them, meaning (____) was free. It wasn't too hard to get out at least.
He heard loud voices, it seem to be Asta and his captain..They're probably safe by now.

(____) decided to step out from his little hiding spot, because hiding all the time wouldn't be great. Besides, the enemy might spot him anyway.

He finally step out from his hideout, he glance at the white hair male and his comrade. His eyes were fold with revenge, that mana..

After he step out, Licht was quick to noticed his figure, which had him smiling after he saw him. That grin made (____) freeze in his place.
But the man quickly turn around to face the Black Bulls' captain, who was burst with magic.

"It's been quite a while since I give it everything I've got."

He said, launching at the leader. They were fighting so fast (____) couldn't understand what's happening. Everything was loud...And their voices talking about..Stories? Or whatever it is.
He run over to Asta, who was also watching the fight.

"(____)?! I thought you were supposed to recover!"

"I came back, I just want to help here...If I could. Why are they telling stories?"

Suddenly, the captain jumped next to Asta, which caught him off guard. He told him left the other guy for him to handle, thenn he saw (____) next to the boy.

"..Maybe that guy can help you too."

He point out, looking at (_____), who seems to have no idea on what's going on. Asta looked at him and nod, the male slowly nod, not getting it.

"Awright! You and me, (____)! Let's take this guy down!"

"Uh, ok."
'Asher, Nova, help me out on this.'



The two left their respective positions, ready to take the guy down once for all. (____) payed attention to the guy's spatial magic, he can attack anywhere near them if they don't notice. He focused his mind on the enemy, as if he could sense where his attacks were going to come and stop it.

Bunch of small portals surrounded them, balls of mana came from the portals. (____) use his casual spell while Asta cut the magic. They were many of them and they keep coming..

"Anemo creation magic: Zephyr archer."

A gust of wind suddenly blew through (____)'s hair, wind were starting to form into bunch of arrows around him. The arrows point directly at the enemy, who dodge by using the portals. But one missed and shot itself in his leg, causing him to scream in pain, but he managed to dodge another one.

'Good job, Asher!'


A sound of metal could be heard beside him, he turn his head around to see Asta had thrown away his two swords, which caught him by surprise.
While the enemy, didn't seem to give up just yet as he cast another spell of his. A portal appears next to Asta, to which he jump inside.

From a few meter away, (____) can see Asta had punched the guy after he came out from the portal. He gasp in surprise and amazement.

He quietly cheer as the enemy was finally down...But still, not the leader. Unfortunately, the captain of the Black Bulls had seem to get a big hit on him.

"As expected from the Black Bulls' captain. Dark magic never fail to amaze me."

"It's sure is amazing.."

He whisper to himself.
He went over to Asta, who seems to be exhausted but happy. He smile at him and put his hand on his shoulder, praising him for what he had done. Asta scratch his head and said it was nothing.

Now back to the other two.
Licht is lost to the Black Bulls' captain, the part where captain Yami cut him was very much visible. He compliment the dark magic, and also making calculation about it.
(____) cross his arms, not understanding a single thing.

It seemed captain Yami isn't satisfied with the fight as he demand Licht to recover quickly..He said he would slice him even worse.

"Unfortunately, though...I can't waste time on you."

With that sentences, his grimoire went in front of him.
An orb of light appear from the grimoire, it grows larger and larger until he fits inside the orb. He exclaimed it's his 'greatest magic' and has the speed that none can avoid.

'Help me out.'


"Anemo creation magic: Gale cover."

"Oh come on!"

In a second, wind start to surround (____). The wind quickly wrap him up. He was slightly unsure if the wind would protect him from..This large attack but he's trusting Asher on this.

He squint his eyes trying to take a good look on what's going on right now, but he hissed and close it after seeing a very bright light. He's sure that Asta and his captain are secure.

"I've kept you waiting. My apologies. This is the end!
Farewell...Yami Sukehiro!"

'Shit! What's the point of killing us if you're just gonna mention the guy's name!'

(____)'s eyes were still close since he didn't want to see the light. There was a loud noise but he didn't know what it is.
After like a minute or less, he open his eyes, it widen after seeing a massive mirror....Gauche came back thankfully. He watch in amazement as the mirror reflect the attack back at Licht.

His lips tremble and his eyes sparkled.

'Holy shit!!'

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