Getting along..I guess

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If you don't know much about the Silver Eagles people..Then,

Ignore the unnamed one, they don't exist

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Ignore the unnamed one, they don't exist.


"How a peasant would even have nice clothes! Let me guess, you stole that, didn't you?"

"Excuse me?"

(____) was staring at him, Solid has been talking shit about (____) while giving him a tour, and now he's saying that (____) stole this fancy clothes his wearing? Man, Asher was hella right! (____) start saying what makes the guy think he stole this outfit, which he responded with 'No peasant would have nice clothes', and that triggered (____)...What makes these people think peasant don't deserve nice things? (____) didn't know royals are these rude! He's gonna have a rough time in this squad.
And then Solid continue to babbling about random shit, yeah, he's still talking shit.
(____) couldn't help but feel offended by someone saying these stuff to him, and they're royals? They're superior Asher said? Fuck these royals! (____) started to muttered something,

"Talk about manners.."

"Excuse me!?"

He..Didn't expect him to here that, he swear that was the quietest thing he said! Solid fully turn around to him, having a frown on his face,

"I'm giving you a tour right now and you're being disrespectful to me!? How dare you, a low commoner like you do not have a room to say such things!"

"Oh, just because I said you were rude mean I am the one being RUDE? You have been talking shit about like 5 minutes! You were saying I 'stole' clothes, and just because I'm a low commoner, a peasant?"

And..Then they start arguing, about who's the rude one here. Asher couldn't help but sigh at the scene, the most stupidest decision (____) that have ever make is just..Choosing to be in the Silver Eagles, while he have a lot more choices. While the two were shouting at eachother, suddenly someone had stop them,

"Hey, hey! What's going on here?"

The both turn around to see a brunette, (____) didn't know what his name was because the Silver Eagles didn't introduce themselves..The brunette stare at him for a bit before speaking again,

"How dare you shout at master Solid!"

"Huh? What?"

"You dare you talk crap about him, apologize-"

"Hell no! What am I apologizing for? I just said he was being rude!! Why do y'all even think this bitch is superior??"

"EXCUSE ME!? Shut that dirty mouth of yours!"

[Yk..They're getting along pretty well.]

Yeah, they're continue arguing at eachother, the brunette that interrupt their argument was named Simon, he was defending Solid of course..Now the two of them were yelling at (____), telling him to be 'respectful', (____) is literally so tired of these people..Where the hell is his room. Before (____) could say some curse words, someone WIND had pushed him away from Simon and Solid. And it wasn't Asher's wind..It was someone else. And it was that grey hair dude! Dude just push him away like he was nothing..

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒚𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆♧︎︎︎Where stories live. Discover now