Battle in the cave

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(Short chapter)

"Let's go, Marie."


'Did he just...Ran away with his sister!? What an asshole!'

(____) gritted his teeth after he saw the mirror mage ran away. The enormous mud monster start hitting the part of the cave, the children cried in fear. Pebbles almost hit them, but the nun and (____) made sure none of them touch the children.

The nun then created a fire leopard to take the children to safety. (____) eyes sparkle as he thought that was cool.

"You, boy, please help the kids while me and Asta deal with this!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

He helped the children get up in the leopard because of the nun's demand. He makes sure to let a few of the children get on the leopard..And also protecting them from getting hit by pebbles.

"I see you're good with kids."

'Not really. I'm just doing my job.'

(____) suddenly felt a tug on his clothes. He slightly look down, a little brunette boy stare at him, tears in his eyes.

"Mister Magic Knight...Are we gonna be safe?"

The boy said. The h/c hair male frown, but smile.

"Of course. Us Magic Knights, and the nun, will help you guys get to safety! All of you will be fine, don't worry."

He said, as he grab the kid and put him on the leopard who returns after it had put the other children to safety. He look behind him, seeing Asta cutting the hand of the mud monster, but it didn't look too great. The mud monster seem impossible to get rid of.

"(____), I will use my wind magic to put the kids on the leopard. Let me assist you. Go help Asta and the nun."

'Are you sure?'


"Kids, I need to go help the other two. You guys will get on the leopard with the help of...My wind! Uh."

(____) didn't know how to explain it. But as soon as he shutters, Asher start to grab two kids and out them on the leopard. The children were impressed.


"How did he do that? I thought his magic was ice!"

"Uhm..Yeah, yeah!..Let me just..Go now."

The children are distracted, he got the chance to run towards Asta who almost got caught by the girl's gel thing. The nun melt the gel, the girl got more annoyed and complain about not interested in fighting an old hag.

'That's rude!'

(Timeskip because fuck this.)

"Jeez, you're stubborn. Quit protecting these guys and let me catch you, Asta."

The two Magic Knights and nun stood in front of the few children. (____) was exhausted, he was on his knee and his sword was there to support his body who is about to fall. He just wants to go home.

"Quit protecting...? I'm a Magic Knight.

No way! Even if it kills me!"

'God, Asta is so freaking confident! Where can I get that type of confidence!?'

Asta launch at the mud monster, he cut the part of the mud monster, but it wasn't really a great idea since he suddenly missed and...The mud monster's hand was about to hit him.

(____) senses a familiar mana around the area. He look around to see Gauche. He smirk,

'Look who's back.'

Gauche surprisingly kick Asta away from getting hurt by the mud monster's hand, despite him being on a broom...

'Being a nice guy now? Heh.'

The guy then yelled, pulling out another clone of him and said that this is for his little sister's love..He really is obsessed. The two mirror mage created multiple mirrors, and a ray of light from the mirrors shoot at the mud monster.

However, it wasn't enough to defeat it. It was too strong.

'Why am I just standing here!? I need to help them!'
"Cryo magic: Frost distance!"

It was rather a simple spell.
Familiar to winter shard, but this one can spread ice on the enemy.

Multiple shards hit the mud monster. The ice shards who got to hit the creature spread ice around its body, but since the creature was very massive, the ice only spread a bit on its body, or rather its arm. Although even it was little, that could make it struggle to move a bit.

The male frown.

(____) saw the sister complex guy was about to get hit by the mud monster again. He swing his arm to create a wall of ice that could help him from getting hit. And then Asta step in.

After the wall ice appears, Asta slash the creature's hand and the ice wall...The ice wall did slow the monster down though.

'..If only I had a friend like that!'

(____) scoff with a smile. He heard Asta shouted at Gauche, saying something about..Protecting? Protecting eachother? Huh.

'The kid really knows how to handle an stubborn guy.'


(____) slump himself against a rock.

After a while, they finally defeated the mud monster and the maniac. He rub his eyes, he felt as if he's about to go to sleep. His hands are numb, his whole body are exhausted.

He didn't think exploring would get him in this situation. But everything is..Over.

Resting for a while won't hurt-

"(____), there's another problem."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒚𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆♧︎︎︎Where stories live. Discover now