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Footsteps could be heard in front of a building.

The two familiar male stood in front of the giant door in front of them, one is smiling, while the other had blank face.

"I didn't know I could spend a night with you! Thank you."

"What're you thanking me for? I-I just pay for the foods.."

"Well, that's more than enough. I thought you were just an ignorant royal, guess people can change into a better person."

(____) giggles, Solid roll his eyes.

"No but seriously, thank you. I am really glad that you don't just have a rude personality."

(____) was about to say another sentences, but he got interrupted by the door suddenly opening.

The door of the base had opened, revealing a silver hair man. The two stare in shock, didn't expect to see him here this late.

"C-captain! What're you doing up so late?"

"Where were you?"

The captain ask, scary aura surrounded him. (____) and Solid sweatdrop, (____) nervously laugh, saying that they didn't go anywhere. Which the other look at him dumbfounded.

"Didn't go anywhere? I've been searching for you for hours, and just to find out you are out with him?!"

"Oh, come on, captain..! It was just a simple night! We were eating...That's all."


The two froze in their spot, hearing their captain shouting almost made their heart drop. (____) didn't really think it was wrong for them to have dinner, after all, Solid was the one who invited him...But did Solid even get permission from his brother?



"Ooo..He's gonna get scold!"

He frown as he look away, trying to not make eye contact with his brother. (____) look at the both of them, finally realizing that Solid didn't say anything about going out to his brother.

(____) didn't want Solid to get scold after he had pay the foods for him, but what could he even do to stop his captain? Nothing. I mean, he could if if he tries.

"Captain, just give him a chance. Yeah, he didn't ask you for permission to take me out and all that..But come on, he's a kind hearted man that paid for the foods..That's more than enough!"

(____) awkwardly smile at the older, hoping that he will actually give Solid a chance. Nozel stare at (____) with a rather angry expression, but he had calm down..For some reason. (____) sigh in relief, his awkward smile turn into a normal smile.

"I'm sure this won't happen in the future. I'm sorry we didn't ask you for permission."

"You're the one shouldn't be sorry...Whatever. Solid, let's go, it's late. (____), you can go to sleep for now. Don't stay up too late."

"Oh, alright then. Goodnight!"


And that's it. (____) went to his room.


"What kind of relationship do you even have with him?"


"I've been seeing you often eyeing on him lately, and that got me curious."

"Huh? I-I've never been eyeing him!? What're you even talking about!"

'I see.'


The sun shine bright once more. Meaning it's a new day for (____), to wake up and then go back to bed after.

(____) got up from his bed and start doing what he have to do for morning.

He was pretty tired. Well he did went home late last night so that might be why...

'Fuckin' morning..I fucking hate morning.'



(____) yawn as he put on his clothes, pants and robe. After that, he went outside to go to the dining hall. He woke up pretty early today so he gets to eat breakfast..Not like last time.

As he was walking through the corridor, he heard someone shouted his name,

"(____)! Wait for me man!"

He turn around to see a brown hair male walking towards him,

"Oh, hey Simon. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Things are just normal..Glad we got no missions, sick and tired of those sometimes."

"They ain't that bad."

"Yeah, whatever....Also, I heard last night you went to a dinner with master Solid, is that true?"

"Where the hell did you hear that?"

"From Kyle. He saw you and him went out last night. And damn, how the hell did you even get to go out with him?"

"..He invited me, honestly I just accept because I wanted the free food. The food at the restaurant are expensive too!"

"What do you really expect? Restaurant for royals and nobles, of course they're expensive."

They both went on a conversation while walking to the dining hall.

(____) had gotten along with the Silver Eagles pretty well, it has been weeks..Or rather months of staying here, everybody are pretty chill once he got close to them, maybe some might have an attitude but they aren't that rude after a long time.


After breakfast, (____) had randomly decided to go out for a while, he's very bored and it seem there's no missions to do.

Asher and Nova helped him with introducing the Villages in Clover Kingdom and different realm. Like Common Realm, Noble Realm and Forsaken Realm...Yeah, they're showing him each Villages.

Even if it sound a bit too much, (____) is okay with it, since he have nothing to do anyways. Besides, he only see a few areas in this world..Asher had told him there are 3 more Kingdoms, that he might be visiting in the future.

'Where are we starting off?'

"Common Realm, Saussy Village."

'Alright. Weird name for a Village but okay.'


'Okay..It looks, like a normal Village, yeah.'

"Just get use to it."

'I will.'

After the help with Asher's teleportation, (____) had finally arrived at Saussy Village. Seem like a..Poor Village.

He sigh as he start to walk around the Village, he try to not let any of the villagers sees him because he's afraid that he might want to do something with them. They might think there's an emergency since a Magic Knight like him is here..So he doesn't want that.

The Village has nothing much, it was rather small so he couldn't really find something interesting, but it seem cozy here.

'Alright, I'm done. Next Village?'

"Already? You've only looks around for a couple of minutes!"

'This place is small, there's nothing that caught my eyes. Next!'

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒚𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆♧︎︎︎Where stories live. Discover now