Dungeon and new people

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" I am really the problem here. "

[Few days after the first mission]

Rustling could be heard a room, there was (____), sleeping soundly with his blanket in the afternoon. He had skip lunch because of tiredness, he woke up too early today so maybe that's why. Asher didn't bother to wake him up since he was sleeping so peacefully, why would he ever bother to wake him up anyways? It's not like there's something he want (____) to do. It's just a normal day, so sleeping is not a problem. Unless there's somebody who would ruined it....

While sleeping peacefully in his bedroom, there was a knock on his door. (____) didn't respond because he was sleeping. The person knock again but they didn't get any respond from the other male, so they guesses that he was sleeping. The person slowly open (____)'s bedroom door, revealing the man on his bed, covering himself with his blanket and..He was snoring too. He must have a good sleep right now, but of course the person has to ruined it.

"(____), it's best for you to wake up, it's afternoon....You shouldn't sleep at this time."

The voice said. Though (____) didn't even wake up from the person's voice, maybe their voice is a bit quiet..? Well, (____) isn't waking up right now. While he wasn't waking up, the person decided to shake him instead, since that's...Will probably wake him up? But not like a gentle shake, you know, they can go a bit rough..

The person start to shake (____), hoping that this technique will wake the male. And unfortunately, it did. (____) eyes slowly open after he felt someone was shaking him, he start to scratch his head and turn around. Seeing his captain sitting on his bed. He was surprised to see this man was here, for absolutely no reason..

"Captain...You need anything? I'm a bit tired today."

"Yes, yes I do. I need you to do something for today."

"Whattt..?...Alright, alright, what is it?"

"Well, today, a new dungeon has been discovered. So, this is a mission for you, it's your duty to explore the dungeon for today."

"Explore a dungeon? Oh come on! I have better things to do, why don't you let the others go instead?"

"The Wizard King had specifically ask for you to go."


(____) looked at his captain straight in the eyes, raising one of his eyebrow as a sign of confusion. The Wizard King had chosen him to go? That's oddly interesting. The older got up from his bed, he said that his mission will start in a few hours before he left, now (____) is just confused.

'Wizard King? He chooses me instead of anyone else? What a pain.'

"Don't you feel glad? The strongest mage in this Kingdom had CHOSEN you to go on a mission! That's literally every Magic Knights dream!"

'Listen...I would've been so much happier if I fully know who this man is. I don't know shit about him!'

(____) could hear his companion sigh, the things he said was true, if he did actually fully know the Wizard King dude he could've been more glad..He never even met the dude in person so what's the point of being so excited about getting chosen by the so called Wizard King? I mean...He's not really familiar to him so maybe that's why he's not that surprise?

But anyways, he needs to get ready for his new mission.

"Wait.....Am I going alone?"



(____) POV

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒚𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆♧︎︎︎Where stories live. Discover now