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Omg, a fluff chapter 😍
I couldn't get a better picture of him.

Mentioned; The word homophobic. Yes, just the word.


(____) sat on his bed, tiredness start to take over after he had cried a few minutes ago. He's still upset, he will probably get better after a few days but...He just can't get over about the red head. He want to know more about the guy, but he just..Got into a coma? Now he will never get to know him properly.

'I will seriously killed the person who....UGH! FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU.'

He grip his hair in anger, having flashback of how the enemy had cut his arm off, like he was some sort of useless doll..He couldn't help but get mad at the enemy who did horrible thing to his new comrade, he fought alongside him. He's afraid that he will not make it.

'I'm such an idiot! Why didn't I save him?! I failed..I failed! ..I'm not a good magic knight...'

He loosen his grip on his hair, slowly putting his hands on his lap.

He was guilty, he was angry, he was upset. He had mixed emotion. He blame himself and the enemy, he blame that person...Now he just want revenge on them for what they did. They attack the capital only to just brutally hurt the captain of the Crimson Lions. They're asshole, and he will find them and bury them alive.

'You won't get away with this..! I will-'

"(____)? You good?"

A voice suddenly said, behind the door of his bedroom.

(____) got rid a bit of tears with his sleeves, getting up from his bed and quickly opening the door.

Revealing a black hair male in front of him.

"Uh..I've seen what happened. I just wanna ask if you're okay."

(____) frown.

"Y-Yeah..I'm alright. Just..Just need some time to recover."

"..You're not okay. Your eyes are almost red."

Nils said as he point at the male's eyes. (____) look away, he didn't want his friend to get worried, he didn't want his friend to deal with his 'sadness'. He just want to deal it himself.

"I'm fine. Yeah, maybe I'm a little upset. But you don't need to worry! I can deal it myself. I don't really need help with anything."

"Tch. Come on, (____). I'm here if you need help! I can't just let you cry in your bedroom alone with nobody trying to help you out?..I know I might be a little..You know, out of character. But..You need to understand that me, and the others, are worried for you!"

(____) look at him in surprise, his vision start to get a little blurry, because of tears starting to appear, again. He still had a frown, he ball up his fist, and look at Nils, with yet another teary eyes.

"God damnit..Why am I like this!"

He whispered as he tries to clean the tears with his sleeves again.

"Listen man, I'm thankful that you want to help, but please understand that I will be a massive problem for you. I don't think I can easily get better..I will probably continue on crying, I don't think comfort will make me feel better. Sorry."

Nils sigh, he understood what he meant, but he still want to do something to make his friend feels better.

So plan B:

"Well, that's fine. But how about this-
Why don't we go to the forest that's behind the base? Will that make you feel better?"

He said with a smile. (____) raised his eyebrows, he didn't understand what this man plan is but he did agree, without hesitation.

"We don't even talk often and you already know me.."

"I'm a bright person."

"I didn't even ask if you're a smartass or not."


"You're really kind, you know."

(____) said, having his back against a tree and picking up flowers from the ground, creating something.

Nils also had his back against a tree, watching his friend doing whatever he's doing.

"Well, I'm kind most of the time..Although, I should be saying that to you. I never expect to see myself being friend with a commoner, sometimes I would pick a fight with them."

"You...You pick a fight with commoners?"

"I'm joking, I don't. I wouldn't bother to talk to any commoners. Besides, you're the first commoner that I like to talk to. You're kind, understanding, a bit funny."

(____) slightly blush after what the man had said. He didn't know he could be understanding...And funny..
That made him grateful.

"Oh, you jerk. Are you trying to be romantic or something?"

Nils was trying to process what he had said. Then start to freak out.


(____) laugh seeing his friend shuttering, denying that he 'wasn't' trying to be romantic, and all he want is just to make him feel better.

"Yeah, I'm joking! I doubt anyone would ever be romantic around me. But hey, thanks for that. I never knew somebody would be so comfortable and happy being around me."

"O-oh, uh....Hm, so you don't have friends before?"

"I do. They just..Don't really like me anymore."

"Really? Could you tell me why?"

(After a verrrryyyy LOONGGG story.)

"Sooo....Yeah, I mean, it's not bad. At least he didn't call me any homophobic slurs."

"..I see, you interested in men? And your crush found out, who is your bestest friend, and he was..Disgusted?"

"Yep. I never knew I would just come out to you like this. But it seem that you're fine with it."

"Well, I've never seen somebody who has a different sexuality before. I mean..It's normal? You can like whoever you want, as long as it makes you happy."

(____) liked how his friend understood him. He couldn't help but smile, all the sadness had disappear because of him. He was better now.

He stopped picking flowers after he had finished his creation. Surprisingly, it was a flower crown. Nils had realized what he had created, seeing a beautiful multicolor flower crown in his hand.

"Never knew you know how to make those."

"I learned it from my mother. When I was a kid, she would always puts it on my head after she had finished creating one, she said that she appreciates me being with her for years when putting the flower crown on my head...Well, that's what I remember.

To her, flower crowns represent appreciation, or maybe even love."

(____) smile, with a pink tinted his cheeks. His eyes were filled with joy when remembering how his mother used to out flower crown on him, throwing flowers everything...He missed the old days where his mother is still alive.

"Here. I just wanna say my thanks."

He got closer to the black hair male, and putting the flower crown on his head, while the other look at him in shock.

"I'm really glad that we got along. I really appreciate you."

'..Maybe he's not just a friend to me.'

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