26. Distracted

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I'm on my knees when I'm picked up my familiar arms. Nothing makes sense. I don't want it to because then it'll all be real and I can't fathom that.

Then I'm in the sky, the clear, starry sky. Two stars glowing the brightest, winking at me. I shudder at the knowledge of who they are. The two people who were my anchor, my rock, my home.

And that's where we're going, home, in the arms of the male whose shadows wrap around me as his wings beat, soaring over landscapes that hold memories of torment and joy.

"The leaves are black" I apparently say out loud.

"We're over Autumn Court. Your court", that raspy voice sends a warm shiver down my spine, causing him to hold me tighter.

My court. It doesn't feel so daunting or repulsive. My court. After all this time I can finally return home without fear.

But with the scenery changing, so does it's composition because we should be in
"The middle. Look. You did that" Azriel says proudly.

Indeed, there are leaves on the trees, which were once barren, black leaves.

"Is it possible? To rule over more than one place?" I ask

"I guess only you were ever fit for it." He says as we fly over the thatched roof that was my escape, however ironic it is - being a place of many many deaths.

Only we don't just fly over it, we fly to it.
"What are we doing?" I begin to panic.
"Just picking something up, Feyre suggested it" he replies calmly, stroking a thumb over my arm.

He lands gently, and waits.
"Oh, right" I open the door and he chuckles and walks in, wings packed tightly to get through the doorway. I don't follow him, but walk to the tree where this all started - where Koschei initiated the exchange.

I pick up a sharp rock and begin carving into the tree.
First my name.
Then Amarantha's.
Finally, Helion's.

I hear footsteps approaching me but keeping a distance, so I explain "He did this for us. I know you won't understand but he loved me. I loved him, despite everything. He sacrificed himself so it wouldn't all be in vain"

"You're right, I don't understand, except why he loved you" I turn to face Azriel. "It's the same reason I love you. You're my star, the one that draws me home" he continues. I don't know what to say, how to breathe, how to react. I nearly let out a sob at how similar his words are to my thoughts but he knows me.

"It's ok As. Come, it's time" he takes my hand and wraps around me.
"Time? For what?" I crease my brows.
"For your coronation" he kisses my forehead and sweeps us away.

*1 day later

It was not time for my coronation. Especially since I brought up the fact that I was covered in blood and grime. So I told Azriel that there was no chance I was being officially enthroned until I was at least clean. Though it took me all day to process everything that happened, a day that Az apparently had had enough of me moping around.

"Are you still thinking about it?" He asked, standing at the edge of the bed, towel wrapped around him with water glistening on his bare chest.
"Maybe. It's a lot to proce-" I yelp as he grabs my ankles and pulls me across the silk sheets until my legs are open to him, my short nightgown having slid up my torso.

"Well I suppose I'll just have to change that then won't I" his wicked smile, and the way his tongue slowly darts across his lips heats my blood, and he lowers himself to be eye level with me. You'd think this man had been starved by the ravenous gleam in his eyes.

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