Part Nine: The Unforgotten Past

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I tried to free myself from the sudden grasp the person had on me, but I felt something sharp prick my arm, and I couldn't move. I stared at the Doctor, my eyes pleading him to help me.

"Let her go!" He shouted, and tried to wrangle me free from the horribly tight grip they had on me. But to no avail. He stopped for a second, the breath being knocked out of him.

I felt the sonic screwdriver fall from my hand as I went limp in my capture's arms. The world was going black, and before I knew it...

I blacked out.


I woke up, tied to another chair for the second time today. I groaned, my arm throbbing from where I'm guessing the sedation needle was put into.

I lifted up my head, and I looked around. I seemed to be in some sort of control room. The Doctor was in a chair next to me, tied up with chains, just like I was. He woke up, his brown hair a total mess, and his eyes looked old and very tired.

He groaned, lifting up his head very slowly and carefully. He cautiously looked around the control room and when his eyes finally laid on me.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I still couldn't get over his British accent! I nodded, coughing slightly.

"I'm fine," I replied. I looked around again, then laid my eyes back on him. "Where are we?"

"You're here!" A deep, old voice boomed. I jumped slightly, and the Doctor's face seemed of one of anger and hate.

A small, hunched over, old man appeared out of the shadows, an evil look in his eyes. He smiled devilishly and said in a loud, smooth, British voice. "Why, you're here!"

Is everyone here British or what?

I clenched my teeth and glared at him, knowing who he was. He was the leader of the Cybermen.

"What do you want?" I spat, never losing my gaze into his dark, evil eyes. He smiled wider.

"Why, nothing important," he replied, walking around the control panel, running his hand around the controls. The Doctor and I never lost his stare, following him with our eyes. "Just a girl that has a power strong enough to enhance the abilities of my army!"

His evil grin grew wider, and his eyes stared straight into my soul. A shiver ran down my spine. Why was he staring at me?

I gulped. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course you don't!" He snapped, any smile on his completely wiped from existence. He was very close to me now, and I jumped slightly at his outburst. What was his problem? Sheesh.

He calmed down, and stared down at me with another small, evil smile. "You see, there is only one person willing to explain to you why you are so..." He paused. "Special."

I shook my head, confused. "What are you talking about? Who can tell me what?"

He shook his head at me, tusking me. "Oh please, don't tell me you thought the Doctor would just magically appear in your life because you were special!" His evil grin grew wider once again.

"It was to repay an old debt he owed you."

I looked at the Doctor, dumbfounded.

"What is he talking about?"

He wouldn't look at me. I stared at him, my eyes bugging out and my eyebrows in a frown. He kept his gaze down, never looking at me.

"Doctor?! What's going on??"

He looked up again at me, his eyes big and pleading me for forgiveness. I stared at him in disbelief. What was he trying to say to me?

"Seventeen years ago," he started. My eyes went wide. I'm seventeen years old!

"There was a war on another planet. I went in there, and I found hundreds and hundreds of..."

He stopped, swallowing. He looked pained at with what he was about to say. I continued staring at him.

"...dead children."

I gasped. Children?


That was horrible! But where was he leading to with all of this?

"That's when I found one baby girl...alive. I had to help her. She looked just like a human, and I knew she would fit right in."

"But she had this power..." He looked at the evil man, who was about to split his face in half from smiling evilly so much.

"This power that...that I couldn't control. As I took her into the TARDIS, she started to give off loads of energy. Explosions of it! I couldn't control it!!" He shouted. Why was he making such an emphasis that the little alien girl was giving off energy? Wouldn't I automatically assume he couldn't control it?

"Then suddenly, something hit the outside of the TARDIS. It was destroying the TARDIS!" His eyes suddenly filled with tears as he looked over at me once again.

He swallowed. "So I took away her power and gave it to restore up the TARDIS. I had to, or she would have died! I'm sorry!" He almost started to shout again. I immediately realized at the moment that when he was about to cry, he expressed his feelings by getting angry.

There was a silence. A suffocating, deafening silence that was filled with my invisible questions about everything.

I finally plucked up the courage to ask him one question. "What does this have to do"

He had been staring at his pants as we waited in the silence. He looked back in my direction, his eyes filled with tears and regret. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he finally answered.

Three simple words escaped his lips, and those three words would change my entire life in that blink of an eye.

"It was you."


OKAY! FINALLY finished with this chapter, it took me FOREVER to write!

Quick update, I'm officially obsessed with the song, "Misery Business", by Paramore. Just saying.

Okay, thanks for reading! You are all too awesome!!!


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