Part Twelve: The Ride

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"Alright!" The Doctor yelled out, fiddling with the levers and switches on the TARDIS control panel. "Here we go! We are on our way back to Illinois!"

I crossed my arms, biting my lip in nervousness. I couldn't help but feel the need to prove myself to Amy and Rory after I had just tackled Rory down to the ground and had stubbornly refused to get off him in my attempt to be a hero. I rolled my eyes at myself.

I'm such a moron.

Amy came to where I was standing, also crossing her arms. "So Lauren,"

I looked at her. "Yes?"

"How did you meet the Doctor?" she asked me, watching me as I tried to reaccount how I met him.

"Um, it's kind of a complicated story..." I mumbled. I looked at her raising my eyebrows. "Are you sure you want to hear it all?"

She just looked at me. 'I have time."

I took a deep breath, nodding. "Okay."

So I told her everything. How I saw the Doctor at the edge of the road on my way to school, how I had a very unpleasant encounter with the Cyberman, how the Doctor had saved me, everything. The entire time I was telling her this, she just stood there, her arms crossed, observing me as I spoke. She never spoke, just nodded at the appropriate times.

Once I finally finished, I took a deep intake of breath, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans. I stared down at the floor, something in me not allowing myself to look at her. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I remembered that I had left my...human family out of the blue. I wonder what they're doing right now...

I could tell Amy could sense the sadness in me, because she leaned slightly forward, placing one of her hands on my shoulder.

"Hey," she whispered. "It's going to be okay. Your family will be fine."

I looked up at her, the tears now threatening to spill all over my cheeks. " did you know...?"

She smiled a half grin. "I just know these things."

I gave a small laugh, letting my head lift slightly towards the ceiling. She smiled a full blown grin, taking her hand off my shoulder. I finally stopped, wiping away the tears of laughter that had sprung from my eyes. We just stood there in an awkward silence.

A question popped in my head. "How did you meet the Doctor?"

Her smile slightly faded as she processed my question. She then sighed, running her hand through her red hair. "Oh, I met the Doctor a long, long time ago..."

She started to explain everything to me. She had met him when she was a little girl, randomly one night hearing something crash in her backyard. Meeting the Doctor and the TARDIS, she decided she would go with him. But she never did. He left before she could go with him, and twelve years later he came back. They went on a huge adventure defeating Prisoner Zero, and the Doctor left once again. He then came back two years later, the night right before her wedding to Rory. She then left, and ran away with the Doctor. Things were pretty hectic from then on.

But the Doctor had left them, setting up a facade that he was dead. They then had been captured by the Cybermen, sending them here. They had escaped and stumbled upon the TARDIS, which of course, left them asking so many questions. So they decided to wait, knowing full well the Doctor was going to come along soon. So they waited.

"And that's how we came across you and the Doctor," she concluded, looking at me with her lips in a tight lipped smile. "We had a feeling that...he wasn't gone, just not yet."

I stared at her, my mouth agape. Gosh, this couple had been through so much with the Doctor. I feel like some kind of rookie.

If that's even possible. Especially since the Doctor isn't some type of organization that allows rookies of sorts to join him to fight aliens in space.

"Whoa..." I breathed, running my hand through my hair once again. It was a habit of mine. "That's just...crazy."

She nodded, agreeing with me. "Yeah. I kind of miss those days..." She faded off, thinking. I'm guessing going down Memory Lane. I stared at her, trying to interpret the look on her face, trying to decipher what her thoughts were. I wonder what she has been through...

Rory came up next to Amy, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I finally got the chance to observe him. He had sandy blonde hair, like the color of a gingerbread house. He also had a sort of long nose, and thin lips. He was wearing a black vest, with a dark blue plaid shirt underneath. He was also wearing jeans along with black Converse. He wasn't that great looking, but he wasn't that ugly either.

"Would you like to come outside and visit Illinois?" I asked them shyly. Amy stuck out her lower lip, cocking her head from side to side, as if she was silently saying, Why not?

"Sure. Get some fresh air. Check around America!" She announced excitedly. She turned around back to Rory, who had his hands on her waist from behind. She put her hands on his shoulders as she said, "Do you want to check out America?"

I watched as Rory sort of bit his lip and looked at her. "Don't you think that it would be better if we stay here in the TARDIS? People would be wondering why a bunch Brits are wandering around Illinois." He looked at me. "Not to be judgemental but Illinois isn't exactly the biggest tourist place."

I waved my hand, dismissing his comment. "None taken. Illinois is boring as-"

"PLEASE Rory!!" Amy begged. She stuck out her lower lip. "Please?"

He looked dazed by her, but he shook his head. "I-I don't know..."

She gave him a soft kiss on the lips, and I almost burst out laughing at her bribing. I had to admit, it was pretty clever, especially since Rory was obviously in love with her.

"I-I guess so..." He muttered, holding her close to him. She smiled a big grin and gave him another peck on the lips. I almost started laughing again when I saw the completely dazed look on his face. He was too cute.

"I'll go get ready," He mumbled. He reluctantly let her go, and went up the stairs toward the control panel where the Doctor currently was, trying to hide the fact that he had just seen everything.

Amy turned to me, smiling a sneaky smile. "How was that for a Scottish girl?"

I burst out laughing, tears once again appearing in my eyes, but this time from laughter. She was way to clever...

When I finally calmed down, I wiped away the tear that had streamed down my cheek as I had guffawed like a buffoon.

"Very impressive," I chuckled. I held up my hand, and with a toothy grin, she gave me the high-five I wanted.

"Well, I've learned how to work out a few things..." She said, sashaying her hair behind one shoulder. I burst out laughing again.

"I bet you have! I wish I could do something like that..." I snorted, still softly laughing. "That was too great! You gotta teach me how to do that!"

She smiled. "Oh, it's not that hard, especially for a pretty girl like you."

I blushed. "Thanks. You don't scrape up half bad yourself."

She whipped her head back, laughing a soft yet contagious laugh. "Oh really? We'll see about that..."

I smiled a toothy grin. I think I've just made a new friend...


Sorry about how boring it was. I didn't exactly know what else to write.

Thanks much for reading this far, guys! You are all amazing and awesome!

Okay, that's all for now!

See ya later! :D

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