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Your P.O.V

It was a Saturday night and my mom was forcing me to have dinner with the new next door neighbours when I was supposed to be at the movies with my friends. I took one look in the mirror and neatened my royal blue romper while slipping on a pair of black ballet flats and my black cardigan. I applied my eyeliner and blush then slipped my phone into the pocket of my cardigan and headed downstairs.

"Mom, are you ready to leave yet?" I shouted up the stairs when I saw she wasn't anywhere in the living room area.

"I'm almost done sweetheart." A few seconds later she came down the stairs while slipping on a pair of earrings.

"Honey grab the gift basket."

"Sure thing mom."

We walked over to the two storeyed house next door and I nervously stood behind my mom as she rang the doorbell. My head instantly shot up when I heard a smooth velvety voice greeting my mom. A tall slim boy answered the door. He had brown hair and amazing green eyes. Our eyes instantly locked and I broke the stare by looking down at my feet again.

"Y/N are you gonna give him the basket? Y/N?" my mom was waving her hands in front of me.

"Oh um sorry. Here you are." I handed over the basket to him and flashed him a weak smile.

"Hi I'm Christian, you can call me Chris, come on in." His smile seemed so genuine.

I walked in behind my mom and we were immediately greeted by Chris' mom. She and my mom hit it off and I was left standing by the door fiddling with my fingers. There was another boy and two girls on the sofa in the living room. They all had brunette hair, I guess they were Chris' siblings.

"Kids, dinner's ready," Chris' mom called out from the kitchen.

"Hey you'll sit next to me," Chris said while grabbing my hand. His touch sent shivers down my spine. He took me to the dining area where everyone was already seated. I sat next to my mom and Chris sat on the other side of me.

"Wow you're hot!" Chris' brother exclaimed.

"Crawf!" Chris glared at him.

"Hi I'm Crawford," he winked at me.

"I'm Kirsten and I'm Karisma." His two sisters chimed in, they were really beautiful.

Throughout dinner everyone were chatting while I just mainly paid attention to my food. I was shocked when Chris held my hand under the table, sending sparks throughout my body. When dinner was finished I helped my mom and Stacey, Chris' mom, clear the table and pack the dishwasher. After a while, Chris came back into the kitchen and leaned up against the door frame.

"Hey Chris why don't you show her your room? But keep the door open." Stacey and my mom chuckled. I followed Chris to where he led me upstairs. His bedroom was huge.

"What's the camera for?" I asked when I noticed a black camera on a tripod stand set up in front his bed.

"Oh I film YouTube videos." He responded while approaching his bed where he then sat.

"Really?! That's so cool."

"You've never heard of WeeklyChris?" He asked while raising an eyebrow.

"No I'm sorry I guess I've been missing out."

"You can say that again," he chuckled which caused me to laugh.

I made my way over to him and sat down next to him.

"Why do you wear that?" he blurted out.

"Wear what?" I asked confused.

"Makeup. You don't need that stuff Y/N, you're beautiful." I could feel his eyes on me but I just stared at the floor.

"Well you don't know what I look like without this stuff so don't tell me I'm beautiful when you don't know me," I began raising my voice at him.

His voice was calm and almost whisper when he spoke up again.

"I saw you yesterday, while you were collecting the mail and I thought 'Wow she must be the world's most beautiful girl'. And you know what? You weren't wearing makeup and you were amazingly gorgeous. You'll always be in my eyes."

I looked up at him while tears welled up in my eyes. His words made me feel overwhelmed, no boy had ever spoke like this to me before. He held my face in his hands and wiped away my tears of joy with his thumbs. He then lowered his lips to mine where they crashed together in the most perfect kiss. Just then I heard my mom call out to me, it was time to leave. I said my goodbye to Chris and ran home straight to my bedroom to scream into my pillow. I was interrupted by a buzzing in my pocket. I checked my phone to see a twitter notification. Chris followed me.

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