Blind Date Pt. 2

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Your P.O.V
"Soo are you gonna tell me how it was?" Kirsten was currently pestering me trying to get any details regarding my date with her brother.

"I'm sorry, I don't kiss and tell."

"What?!" She shrieked, " You guys kissed. Tell me everything."

"No need to over react. It was just a pretty normal date," I chuckled.

"We're supposed to have dinner tonight."

"Whoa what? A second date already? Don't you think that's rushing into things."

"It's just a date Crawf. It's not rushing anything."

"I just don't wanna see you getting hurt."

"I admire how much faith you have in your brother."

Crawford replied to me by chuckling then turning his attention back towards the video game he was currently playing.

"Hey how about the four of us just hang out instead?" Kirsten chimed in.

"Oh god yes, that way I won't have to get dressed."

"Oh god yes I won't have to go home," Crawford grinned while mocking me. Completely ignoring Crawford I carried on talking to Kirsten.

"We ran into his ex yesterday at lunch."

The same look of horror flashed on both Kirsten's and Crawford's face.

"Are you sure that was good date?" Kirsten asked with a confused look on her face.

"Yeah nothing's ever good when she's around," Crawf proceeded to add on.

"It was great, bu-" I was interrupted by the doorbell. I got up off the sofa and headed over to the door. I opened the door to Chris in a black blazer, white t shirt and a pair of skinny jeans.

"Hi it's nice to see you," he greeted me with a hug and a bouquet of roses.

"Hi Chris please come in," I moved aside for him to enter.

"Um so are you dressed or -" his eyes darted to my clothes and I immediately remembered I was in my sweats.

"I'm so sorry I completely spaced."

"So dinner's cancelled then?"

"Uh actually I was thinking we could just hang out here instead. Your brother and sister are in the living room."

"I tend to usually double with my brother and sister on the second date," he joked while we made our way towards the living room.

"Guys look who's here," I gestured to Chris.

"Yo bro what's up?" Chris and Crawf did their 'bro handshake' while I just sat on the couch near Kirsten who was scrolling through her twitter newsfeed.

"Guys I have an idea."

"This isn't going to end well," Crawf stated while pausing his video game to hear what Kirsten's idea was. I was a bit intrigued myself.

"What's your idea?" Chris was the one who spoke this time. I still felt really badly for fogetting to mention that I just wanted to stay in. I hope he's not uncomfortable being all dressed up while everyone else is just in casual wear.

"Let's play truth or dare," she smiled widely at us in attempt at coaxing us into saying yes to her idea.

"And I was right," Crawf unpaused his video game and turned his attention back to the tv screen.

"Oh come on guys it'll be fun pleeeaassse," she was practically begging by now.

"We can play right Y/N? Crawf? Come on let's play."

"I guess we can play to pass some time, I'll go get a bottle and put these roses in a vase."

Chris' P.O.V
As soon as Y/N stepped out of the room I turned my attention to Crawf and Kirsten.

"Did she say anything about me while I wasn't here?"

"Yeah she said you were really terrible in bed."

"Really funny Crawf."

"Did you guys really run into Amanda?"

"Yeah but it didn't really matter."

Just then Y/N re-entered the room bringing with her a bowl of chips and an empty wine bottle. I swear to God she is so beautiful, I can't believe I almost told Kirsten to cancel our blind date.

"So what did I miss?" She asked while sitting on the floor in front of the sofa. We all formed a circle on the ground while Y/N placed the bottle in the center of us.

"Can I spin first?" Y/N asked almost sounding eager to play unlike some of us. She spun the bottle and after a few turns it landed on Crawf.

"Truth or dare Crawford?"

"Umm truth," Crawf answered her almost seeming unsure of his response.

"Hmm let's see are you a virgin?" I already knew the answer to this.

"Uh no," he chuckled nervously, "it's someone else's turn now."

"Woah wait who was it Crawf?"

"Hey it's one question per turn. Give someone else a chance now." He then proceeded to soon the bottle which eventually landed on me.

"So Christian truth or dare?"

"I'll just take a dare." As soon as Crawford and Kirsten began secretly discussing options I immediately regretted my decision.

"Okay Chris I dare you this Y/N on the mouth for at least five seconds."

"Um nooo," Y/N and I responded in unison. This dare was definitely Kirsten's idea.

"Do it, Do it," they both started chanting.

"Fine." I was a little upset at my siblings for forcing us to share such a private moment in front of them especially when we've only been on one date.

I turned towards and was met by the most gorgeous Y/E/C eyes. The minute our lips crashed together a bright flash interrupted the kiss. And they had taken a picture great. Y/N must feel so uncomfortable right now.

After some more dares and truths, the game fizzled out and we found ourselves in front of the television watching reruns of Friends. Soon enough Everyone was asleep but me. Y/N was cuddled up beside me and her beautiful angelic face made me smile to myself. I pulled a blanket over her and placed a light kiss on her forehead and whispered goodnight to her.

I think it might be crazy but I'm falling in love so quickly.

Y/E/C - Your Eye Colour

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