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Your P.O. V
"Chris could you help me set the table please?" My voice sounded like a whisper when compared to the volume of the television set. I grabbed the remote control off the table, turned the volume down then proceeded to turn to Chris.

I kindly asked him once again but all he did was turn the volume even louder than it previously was. I felt rage consuming my body. I immediately went over to where the television was and pulled the plug out of its socket.

"Bitch," I heard him say under his breath.

"You know what Chris?" I grabbed the ring off of my finger and threw it at him.

"You can have this back." I ran up the stairs towards our bedroom and shut the door. I slid down against the door and sat on the cold floor with my head resting on my knees.Chris has never acted like this or spoken to me like this before. Not even once in the three years we have been together.

We had only recently go engaged and tonight we were going to make the announcement to his family. I guess not anymore.

These past few weeks he has been so cold and distant. Sometimes I can't stop my myself from thinking that it's because he is cheating on me. I mean look at him and look at me, we were probably never meant to be. Or maybe he just lost interest. Am I that boring?Maybe he just doesn't care about me.

I heard the doorbell ring and I knew I had no excuse for staying upstairs. I readjusted my dress, wiped away my few tears and headed bak down the stairs. And of course Chris still did not set the table.

I hurriedly laid the plates on the table while he greeted his family. Every one made their way into the living room while Chris' mom entered the dining room and helped me lay out the last few dishes.

"Wow Y/N everything smells delicious."

"Thanks," I nervously chuckled and flashed her a smile. When the food was all laid out she called everyone into the kitchen and we all sat down to eat.

After starting off with grace all that was heard was the clinking of the silverware sharing the dishes.

Eventually the Collins family began conversing between themselves while I was left alone with my thoughts. I was absolutely without a doubt the odd one out here. I swear no one is even aware that I exist right now.

Story of my life. Chris doesn't even glance at me thoughout dinner. Soon enough everyone was finished eating and his family headed back home. And I was left to clean up all alone.

"Chris can you please just help me do the dishes?"

"Ugh fine." I know I can only see the back of his head right now but I can tell he's rolling his eyes.
He joined me by the sink and began scrubbing the plates.

"Chris don't be so rough with the dishes."

"You have a problem if I don't help you now that I'm helping you you have a problem with that too. Can't you just make up your freaking mind?" He slammed the plate into the sink and when off to somewhere in the house. I finished up the dishes and took a shower then headed to bed.

As I rested my head on my pillow, the tears I held back whole day finally made its way down my cheeks. I felt Chris wrap his arms around my waist but I just can't I am happy with him right now. I got off the bed and headed to the couch.

Chris' P.O.V
I got into my side of the bed and I heard Y/N crying. I've been screwing up so badly lately and I just don't even know what's going on with me right now. I turned to her side of the bed and wrapped my arms around her in an effort to comfort her which obviously didn't work as she got off the bed and went elsewhere.

I've hurt the girl that I love so badly when I should be the one who protects her. I went downstairs to find her lying on the couch. I picked her up bridal style and began to walk back towards our bedroom.

"Chris please just put me down, I'm not in the mood to be around you right now," she spoke out between sobs. I placed her on the top stair while she continued to cry.

"Babe please, just stop crying. I am sorry. I've been a total jerk these last few weeks. Please forgive me." I took her hands in mine and kissed the back of her hands.

She finally spoke up after a while but what she said shocked me.

"Do you still love me Chris?"

"Did you think I stopped loving you?"

She nodded slowly and I sighed.

"I'll always love you. No matter what happens. I made you a promise of forever and I plan to keep that promise even after the day I die."

"I love you too Chris."

I kissed her forehead and proceeded to carry her back to the bedroom where we cuddled until we fell asleep.

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