A Night To Remember

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Your P.O.V
As I was walking down the school's hallway towards my locker, I couldn't help but notice some newly placed posters along the way which caught my attention. I walked on over to closest one and began to read softly to myself.

Oh it's all about prom. According to this poster it's supposed to be the greatest night of my life. Who knows? Maybe it could be if I was living another life and had friends and a boyfriend and wasn't the one person everyone decided to pick on in this school.

I shrugged off all my thoughts about prom and just focused on finishing my last few days of school. Upon reaching my locker I opened it and an envelope fell onto the floor before.

Immediately I picked it up and tore it open. My eyes scanned the parchment paper reading each word slowly.

"Dear Y/N,
From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew there was something special about you. I tried to ignore it but here I am four years later writing this letter hoping I'm not too late. Even if this is just a lost cause and you have no interest in me, I'll at least knew I tried. So will you go to prom with me?
Your secret admirer

I almost felt moved for a second but then I came to my senses. This must just be some stupid joke. I tore up the paper to tiny bits as my anger consumed me. I rummaged through my locker trying to find my textbooks for my first period math class.

"Hey," I heard someone call out but I knew they weren't talking to me. A few seconds later I felt a light tapping on my shoulder. I turned to my right to see that it was the one and only Christian Collins.

"Hi," he said again smiling at me.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude but why are you talking to me?"

"Is there a reason I can't talk to you?" He asked while slightly leaning to reach at my height.

"You've had a locker next to me for four years and you've never spoken to me before. Why start now?"

I'm positively sure I sounded quite rude but he must have some motive. He's the most popular guy at school. Wyis he suddenly talking to a nobody like me?

"Um I was just really nervous. Soooo did you get my letter? "

"Your letter? I knew it. I knew this had to be some sort of prank. Isn't it enough you're girlfriend makes my life a living hell, now you have to join in too?"

"Wait Y/N let me explain. It's not like that."

"Hey Chris honey. What are you doing her talking to her?" She made sure to roll her eyes at me and wrap her hands all around him.

"I can really see that it's not like that. " I walked away from them and headed to my first period classroom.

Chris' P.O.V
"Ugh Ashley get off of me okay. We broke up. We're done. Leave me alone."

"Excuse me?". Oh great here we go again.

"I think you may just be a little confused Chris. Sweetheart that was just temporary. "

"No it wasn't. The only thing that was temporary was my feeling for you. You're a horrible person and I don't know why I did not notice that sooner." I turned my back and walked away from her. A few seconds later I heard her call out to me.

"You will regret this Chris."

There were a lot of things I already regretted in life, like meaningless relationships, missed opportunities and not telling Y/N how I felt sooner. This was definitely something I knew I'd never regret.

I headed over to my first period math class and I couldn't help smiling since Y/N is in that class and I sit right behind her. The class was pretty boring as it was the last one and all our teacher did was share his life stories.

I ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook and wrote 'Prom?' on it with two tiny boxes labelled yes and yes. I lightly tapped her on her shoulder and passed her the note.

I saw her scribble on it then she quickly passed it back. To my surprise when I opened the letter there was an X placed in each box and an N wriiten over the O in Prom.

She must really not like me. After class finished I caught up with her.

"Hey Y/N, did I do you something? Why do you act like you hate me?"

"Look Chris it's nothing personal. Prom just isn't my thing. You know it's for you guys. The popular kids."

"Why do you define me by my social status? I actually thought you're one of those persons who doesn't judge a book by it's cover. Guess I was wrong."

I walked away and out to the bleachers where I could clear my mind. The rest of the day seem to fly by.

Your P.O.V
I woke up from the blinding lights coming through my window. I quickly got uo and shut the drapes. It was the morning of prom. Not that it really mattered to me.

I was still a little taken aback by Chris' words yesterday. I headed downstairs to the kitchen to find my mom.

"Hey mom."

"Ohh hi sweetheart," she turned to face me, "are you excited?"

"Mom you know I'm not going."

"Oh come on honey you can have fun and dance all night long."

"Even if I wanted I don't have a dress."

"We can go out get you a nice expensive dress and get your done really beautifully and anything else."

After what seemed to be endless hours of shopping I was finally home again. I had an hour to spare before I got ready so I just laid in my bed looking at YouTube videos.

My parents dropped me off at the high school and I have to admit I was very nervous. I was wearing a long white dress that fell to the floor with gold sequins at the top along with a gold belt. It was a stunning dress. I entered the gym that camouflaged as a ball room a found myself a spot to comfortably stand on while everyone was dancing. Then I saw Chris making his way towards. I began to nervously look around unaware of how this encounter would turn out.

He just stood in front of me and offered up his beautiful smile and his hand. I took his hand and he took me out to the middle of the dance floor.

"I'm sorry about what I said yesterday. It was out of line. I was just reacting and I didn't think before I spoke."

"It's fine. I just thought you were no different from the rest of them. I mean you'd always hear the things Ashley said to me but you never did anything. " I looked down at the floor because I knew my tears were going to spill out but I felt his finger on my chin bringing my eyes up to meet his."

"I regret not standing up for you but I told her it had to stop on many occasions. Thats why I broke up with her."

"You did?"

"I did." And there was his beautiful smile again which caused me to smile.

He leaned in closer to me and I felt soft lips brush against mine. A few seconds after he pulled away.

"I guess it's true what they say. The first kiss is always a bit awkward." I teased him which caused him to chuckle.

He pulled me in closer and swept me off of my feet and held me bridal style then our lips met again. This time in perfect sync.

"But second kisses are breath taking."

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