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Your P.O.V
Today is my first day at a new high school and I couldn't have been any more nervous. I dreaded meeting new people and basically hated any form of social interactions. I was lucky to even have friends in my old school and I guess I'd pretty much be a loner in this one. My mom dropped me off at the office to collect my schedule and headed off to her new job. I collected my class schedule from the secretary and was told to wait outside as the head of the student council would show up to give me a tour.

So I sat outside the office and waited and of course no one showed up. It was nearing eigth thirty which was the start off my first class so I decided to try to find the classroom by myself.
I searched through the rows of lockers to find the one that had my number on it. After a few minutes, I found the locker and started to put some of my textbooks in when the locker next to mine opened up. It was some guy wearing a football jacket. I decided to ask him for his help rather than walking around the entire school aimlessly.

I tapped him lightly on his shoulder.
"Excuse me, hi, do you think you can help me find room 215?"

"Sorry, I can't help. I'm busy."
He shut his locker and headed off down the hallway. The first period bell rang and everyone scattered in all directions.
Well this day will be just great.
I randomly chose strangers to follow in the hopes that I find my classroom but of course not. At least I knew the general direction of the classrooms now. Maybe I should just head back to the office and ask for directions. I'm not even sure which way is the office anymore.

After searching for ten minutes without any luck, I spotted a janitor who pointed me in the right direction.  Now I just have to show up for History class late. As I stood in front the door of the classroom, I peered in to see that the teacher was not at the front and hopefully wasn't in the room at all. I turned the cold doorknob and casually slipped in or so I thought. Everyone's eyes turned on me but then back to whatever they were previously doing. I guess they thought I would have been the teacher. I made my way to one of the empty chairs at the back of the classroom .

Chris' P.O.V
I can't believe I'm going to be late for the first day of school. I rushed up the front steps and towards my locker as fast as I could. I dumped off some of my books into my locker only keeping the ones I needed for first period.
Just as I was about to leave I felt a light tapping on my shoulder.  I turned around to see a girl I've never seen before. She must be from a different grade.

"Excuse me, hi, do you think you can help me find room 215?"

"Sorry, I can't help. I'm busy." I rushed off trying to grab my class schedule out of my bag at the same time.
"Oh no." My first period History class was in 215. I turned back around the corner to see if I could find the girl that asked but she was gone. Damn. Now I just feel really bad. I walked back up the hallway to see if I could find her but I didn't. I headed towards the classroom and hoped she found her way.

As I entered the classroom, I scanned everyone's faces to see if she was there but she wasn't. It was already past the first period bell but at least the teacher wasn't here as yet. After a few minutes the classroom door shut and the entire room went silent.  I looked up to see that it was the girl from earlier. She proceeded to sit in one of the empty seats in front of me.
I tapped her lightly on her shoulder until she turned around.

"Hey I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't realize I had this same class as yet. I tried finding you but I didn't."

"Oh yeah that's fine."

"I'm Chris by the way. "

"Y/N" she flashed me a cute smile. 

"So is this your first day?"


"Come on, it won't be that bad. If you'd like I can give you a tour."

"That would be great. I don't even think I can find back my locker if I tried ."

"Then it's a good thing it's next to mine."

Just then the teacher walked in and began roll call. He droned on for the next forty minutes or so until the bell rang. I waited for Y/N to gather her stuff so that we could leave together.
As we walked down the hallway we got to know one another a little better.

"So you play football?"

"Yeah I do. I wasn't really that much into sports actually. I just tried put for the team because my friends dared me to thinking I'd embarrass myself or something but I was actually decent at it."

"Oh I see."

"What about you? Do you play any sports?"

"I'm not really that athletic or really interested in much sports."

"So I guess I won't see you at any football games? "

"Probably not," she chuckled.

As we reached our lockers, I stuffed in my History books and grabbed my Geography books.

"What class do you have next?" I asked her while she rummaged through her locker.

"Um Biology," she answered while looking through her class schedule.

"I'll walk you over there then head over to my class."

"Thanks for helping me Chris."

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