Break Up or Make Up

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Your P.O.V

Chris walked up right beside me with who I assume to be his new girlfriend and gave me a faint smile then turned his attention towards her. I was about to say my goodbyes when Brent interrupted me.

" So hey Y/N there's a party tonight if you wanna come."

"Um it's cool I'm fine, not really in the partying mood," I said while glancing at Chris once more who paid no attention to me.

"Oh come on you should totally come. Everyone's going to be there. Crawford and I will pick you up right here." Brent kept talking. Why didn't he shut up?

" I guess I'll be there, " I replied with a weak smile, " I have to get back now . Bye guys."

I immediately took off towards my dorm room ready to burst into tears. I just couldn't believe the audacity of Chris. How could he act like I not exist? After everything I thought that he would at least still care about me. But I was wrong. As usual. I showered and changed into my acid washed skinny jeans and my grey v neck and headed to my regular Friday classes. After a long and tiring day I finally headed back to my room and threw my self on the bed. It was already 4:30 which meant I had two hours to get ready before Crawford reaches here.

I decided to pick out an outfit and after rummaging through my entire closet I decided on a casual long-sleeved lace dress that was white at the top and dark blue from the waist go down. I paired it with a black thin belt and my favorite black suede heels. When my outfit was finally complete it was now 5:15. I took a shower and then sat in front of the mirror and played around with the curling iron until I had perfect loose curls that cascaded down my back . I applied a light amount of make up and and then put on my outfit. It was six o'clock when I was finally finished. I sat back on the sofa and watched TV until It was almost time to leave.

The doorbell rang so I stood up, neatened my dress and walked towards the door. To my surprise, I opened up the door to Chris who stood there nervously.

" So um hey I was sent to pick you up," he said while staring at the ground.

"Oh okay, I guess we should be going then."

This may just be the worst day of my life. He opened the passenger side door for me and so many memories from our past relationship came back to me. I couldn't help but shed a tear which I quickly wiped away.

After a few minutes Chris tried to break the tension by making casual conversation.

"So how are you Y/N?"

"I've been okay, what about you?"

"I'm good. "

We rode in silence for the rest of the drive which seemed to be almost an hour. We approached a large house with random decorations thrown all over it and loud music blaring from inside.

As soon as we entered, I saw Chris immediately make his way to his new girlfriend without even turning back to look at me. I winced at the sight of Chris making out with her.

I made my through the crowd until I finally saw Brent.

"Dude what the hell?!" I was almost yelling at him when I hit him across his arm.

"Ow," he groaned in pain, " You don't hit like a girl."

"Thanks a lot Brent," I replied while glaring at him.

"Hey everything is going to be fine. I know you guys, you'll work It out.''

"I don't think so, " I muttered while turning my gaze back to Chris and his girlfriend. Sarah. That's her name.

Chris' P.O.V
I saw Y/N gazing at me and It took every ounce of my energy to not run to her and hold her in my arms. But she deserves better than me, after all the things I said to her she probably hates me. I've been trying to move on, to leave those feelings in the past and move forward with Sarah but it's just too difficult. I got up from next to Sarah and went to get myself a drink. With every drink the pain seemed to go away. I kept drinking to numb the pain of losing the most amazing girl ever. Soon enough I became lightheaded and my vision was now blurry.

I stumbled throughout the crowd trying to find the couch that I was previously seated on. I felt someone grab onto my arm. It was Sarah.

"Chris are you okay?"

"What? Yeah I'm fine, " my words slurred while I tried my best to stand without stumbling.

She lead me up the stairs and into the bedroom. I immediately fell onto the soft mattress of the bed.

Your P.O.V
I made my way out of the upstairs bathroom and heard arguing that promptly stopped me in my tracks.

"I can't believe you Chris, do you know how embarrassing this is?"

Oh my gosh. I should not be listening to this. What the hell is going on?

"Look Sarah I'm really sorry, but I love her. She's my soul mate." I heard Chris say. He sounds as if he's crying. I heard a loud thump that caused me to jump. She hit him.

"I'm sorry," he said once more. I then saw her making her way down the stairs. I stood there contemplating whether or not to go in. I took one deep breath and went with my instinct.

I walked towards the door and peaked inside the room. I slowly entered, "Chris."

"Oh my gosh Y/N I missed you so much. I should have never let you go. You're my best friend. I was so lost without you. Please forgive me. " Tears were rolling down his cheeks then he kneeled in front of me.

"And would you please do me the honor of being my girlfriend once more?"

I kneeled down in front of him and embraced him ever so tightly.

"I love you so much Chris. And I would like nothing more than to be your girlfriend. "

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