Cheated Part Two

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Your P.O.V
It's been a few days now that I've left Chris and I'm slowly becoming accustomed to the loneliness. I moved into my new apartment today. It's obviously not as great as what I had with Chris but it's the best I can do on my own. Tomorrow I decided I'd go grocery shopping to stock up the kitchen.

Outside was beginning to get dark so I decided to go to bed. I checked my phone one last time and of course there was a message from Chris. Every night he sends it, every night I delete it. It's almost become a routine now. I opened the message just so I could delete it.

Chris: I love you forever and always. Goodnight...

Atleast it's just this one message now and not the hundreds saying he's sorry and asking for forgiveness or where I am.

As I went into bed I snuggled into the covers but it wasn't the same as snuggling into Chris. He kept me warm and made me feel safe. There wasn't a single night where he slept with his back against even if he was angry at me. I just can't believe how much I miss him even after what he did to me.

I don't even know how much times he lied to me, or how much times he was with her then came home to me like if nothing happened, yet I'm still worrying over if he's okay right now. Before I knew it a single tear rolled down my cheek causing me to sigh and push away my thoughts.

After a few hours of staring at the ceiling, I felt myself drifting off into darkness. It felt as only a few minutes had passed but my alarm clock was already blaring and not the mention the bright sunshine glaring through the blinds. I rolled off the bed and headed to my bathroom. My reflection clearly showed the signs of the aftermath of my many sleepless nights.

After brushing my teeth and showering, I threw on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white v- neck t shirt. I put together a light meal for breakfast then washed up the few dishes that were unclean.

After grabbing my keys and purse I headed out the door. It was only a five minute drive to the grocery store. I pushed the trolley through the aisles deciding on which items were necessary or not but somehow they all seemed to end up inside the trolley. I might need a bigger one soon. While I was nearly halfway through my second aisle I heard a voice call out from behind me.

"Y/N?" I didn't even have to turn around to know it was Chris. Hesistantly, I turned around.

"Um hey Chris."

"Y/N, I'm so so sorry. I was a fool, I had no idea what I was doing. I can't believe I hurt you like that," he rambled on with his apologies while making his way closer to me.

"Chris just stop okay, nothing you can say is going to fix anything between us so it's best you just leave."

"Please just hear me out," he was begging and in that second I wanted to leap into his arms but I knew I was stronger than that. I knew there was no part of me that would be able to look past his blatant disregard for my trust and feelings.

"Nothing you can say can make what you did okay."

"I know it won't. Let me just help you then for old time's sake."
I hesistantly accepted his offer knowing that there was no way I would be able to carry everything to my car by myself.

After a few minutes of walking side by side down the aisles I decided to ask a question that was clawing at my brain.

"What are you doing in this side of town? I specifically chose this neighbourhood knowing that there would only be a slight chance I could run into you."

"Honestly I couldn't stay alone in an apartment that used to be our home so I move into a hotel with Crawf."

"Ohh I see." The rest of.the time we made our way through the remaining aisles while he picked out exactly what I needed, or in more truthful terms wanted, without me having to tell him, just like... old times.

Soon enough all our, I mean my items were bagged up and I was ready to leave. Chris helped load everything into my car then we were left in an awkward silence.

"So this is it huh? This is what I get for messing up? I lose you forever?"

"Chris please don't make this any more difficult than it already is."

"I'm sorry that I love you so much, please find a way to forgive me... please."

"I can forgive you Chris, I just can't forget. Every time I close my eyes I can see you, see you with her, touching her, holding her and kissing her whoever the hell she is. I can't get those images out of my head. Everytime I look at you I remember your betrayal. Im fighting every urge in my body that's telling me to just go home with you because I know it's for the better. Better for both you and me."

"You're the love of my life."

"But I'm not the one you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with Chris, I'm not your soul mate."

"It's the same thing."

"It's not, it's really not. You have no idea how badly I wish it was." By now tears were streaming down both our faces.

"Then promise me one thing."


"Please just one thing." He leaned in closer to me resting his forehead on mine while using his thumbs to wipe away my tears.

"Okay Chris."

"Promise me you'll find a man who's worthy of you. That you'll find someone who would never dream of hurting you the way I did and who'll always find new ways of loving you and will always remain faithful to you. Find someone who's unlike me. And make sure he loves you twice as much as I did because there's nothing or no one that I love more than you."

"I'll miss you Chris."

"I'll miss you too, just know I'll always be there for you. Anything you need just call me." He removed his hands from my face then held my hands in his tracing circles into my hand with his thumbs. He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you." He looked into my eyes, blinking and then sighing while his tears fell.

"I love you too Chris."

"Forever and always."

"Forever amd always."

"Bye Y/N"

"Bye Chris."

I watched as he walked away and pulled out of the driveway seeing his car fade off in the distance. I headed home and the day dragged on until night approached. I pulled the covers off and reached over to the nightstand to find my phone and sure enough, Chris' 'Goodnight I love you' messages had stopped.

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