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{Zayn POV Special}

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{Zayn POV Special}

Where we going Ivory? — Letty asked once we got into the black Rover and started driving through the streets of London.

We have to take care of a couple of gossipers. We go to Firuz's workshop. — our mechanic answered.

           A few minutes later we entered the small courtyard, where the workshop was located, and the Rover made the wheels screech as it slammed on the brakes.

          The four of us got out of the vehicle quickly and our two companions began shooting at the workshop. Leticia and I looked at each other worried, not understanding anything, until we heard that we were being fired back and we both drew our pistols.

           I went a little further into the place when suddenly I felt a presence behind me, when I turned around I found Rebbeca holding a gun and pointing at me. She studied me for a few seconds to finally lower the revolver and nod her head at me and then leave. Now we were at hand.

          I saw her run into a tunnel and decided to follow her. The tunnel led to a subway station where Letty and Becks were fighting hand to hand after my friend had knocked out Hobbs' assistant agent.

           They were both on the floor, Rebbeca with one leg around Leticia's neck to prevent her from moving, and Letty trying to bite the girl's thigh to get away. I heard a small moan coming from the minor's lips and saw how she pushed my friend.

           The two brunettes got up and looked at each other for a few seconds and then fell down the stairs since Letty had pounced on little O'Conner.

          My friend ran into one of the subways and I lost sight of her, while the girl I saved at Interpol clutched her head in pain.

Aunt Letty. — she whispered sadly and I opened my eyes from the shock. Had she called her "aunt"?

Are you okay? — I questioned once I managed to get out of my astonishment and I approached to help her up.

Yeah. Just one hit. — she answered, and I could see a big bruise on her right cheek. There was also a little blood coming from her forehead. — Thank's for what you do the other day... — she added, leaving the words in the air because she didn't know my name.

Zayn. Zayn Malik. — I introduced myself with a smile. — I have to go. See ya, Becky. — I said and instantly regretted it, wasn't supposed to know her name. I walked away in search of my companions leaving a totally confused girl behind me.

          Once we were reunited with Letty and the asian who had accompanied us, we learned that they had shot Ivory; we got in the truck and went back with Shaw.

RIDE OR DIE #1, zayn malik ⁣| fast and furious [ENGLISH VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now