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{Zayn POV Special}

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{Zayn POV Special}

          After that tense conversation with Shaw I went back to our hiding place, we had to get all our things and go since they had surely followed Owen when he finished talking to Toretto that same night of the race.

          It was time for our next plan.

Let's go guys. — ordered the mustachioed asian whose name I never remembered. I saw him go up some stairs to where Shaw was. — Shaw, everyone is in place. Everything is going according to plan. — he reported, and I found it strange not to see Vegh or Klaus hanging around here.

Good. Send it in. — Owen said.

          The plan was based on looking for the last component for our bomb, which was in a NATO base in Spain. Shaw had sent one of the boys to purposely arrest him and them send the component to a safer location. We would attack the convoy, it would be easier. Letty, Shaw, the oriental and I would get into the war tank where the component was while another of the boys approached us in a jeep.

          From one moment to the next we got into the tank and began to ride along the highway.

All systems go. — the asian reported.

Everything seems stable. — Letty added looking at one of the monitors. I didn't have a good feeling about all of this.

We have company, guys! — the jeep driver spoke over the intercom. — Toretto is coming straight to you! — he commented and I begged for Rebbeca not to be with them.

Ok. Get the weapons on. — Shaw said, speaking of the tank's cannon. Letty and I look at it. — Give me the satellite image. — he said and I pressed a couple of buttons obeying the order.

Straight ahead of us. — the brunette informed when she saw how the four cars were approaching.

There you are. — Shaw spoke to himself and then aimed and fired. The quartet, who came in the opposite hand to ours, narrowly escaped. — Okay, Jah. — Owen called. So that was the name of the man with the mustache. — Take it to the other side. Let's have some fun. — he ordered and the oriental took the opposite lane starting to crush the cars that were coming towards us.

           I frowned, this wasn't part of the plan.

What the hell is wrong with you? This is not part of the plan. — Letty exclaimed taking the words out of her mouth. He ignored her.

Shaw, you don't have to do this! — I said alarmed. The man laughed out of himself.

We have one right in front of us. — Jah reported.

RIDE OR DIE #1, zayn malik ⁣| fast and furious [ENGLISH VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now