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{Brian POV Special}

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{Brian POV Special}

Braga. — Gisele had said. We all fell silent. I shared a look with my brother in law. — He's working with Shaw. — the woman completed and threw the cell phone they had brought from the workshop on the table.

What are you talking about? — I questioned. It's impossible.

It's true. That phone is full of code transactions that lead us directly to the Braga's cartel. — my daughter Becky answered.

Who the hell is Braga? — asked Roman.

— He ran one of the most powerful cartels in Mexico. — Toretto explained.

— And he's my old boss. — Gisele said with crossed arms. — We used to use keys like that to get money out of the country. —

— Makes sense. Braga controlled Letty, now he works with Shaw. That explains how they met. — I spoke putting pieces together.

— Okay, you know a lot about him. Where do we find he? — Tej wanted to know.

In a jail in Los Angeles. — I snapped frustrated as I threw the cloth, which I had in my hand, to the floor.

How do you know? — he asked again. I sighed.

Dad put he in there. — Becks explained.

Okay, this is what we needed. If the two of them are working together, Braga will know what Shaw has planned. I'm going to visit him. — I said.

— You are kidding, right? — my daughter questioned harshly. I just looked at her.

— Think about what you're saying. They're looking for you, Brian. The moment you step foot off that plane, it's over. — Pearce snapped seriously. — You're not coming back. 

 Coming back? How are you going to enter the country? — Tej asked agreeing that this was crazy.

 I'll handle it. — I answered walking to where Dom was.

 I'll go. — the spitting image of my wife spoke, following me.

 It's my responsibility, Rebbeca. I introduced Letty to Braga, I have to fix this. — I said, exchanging the look between my daughter and her uncle. — Let me fix it. — I added looking at the latter.

— Be careful. — Dom ask for.

Promise me you'll be back. — begged the girl hugging me. — And promise you won't break Stasiak's nose again. — she commented and I laughed.

          I left them alone and went out to make a call.

Hi? — a voice answered on the second tone.

RIDE OR DIE #1, zayn malik ⁣| fast and furious [ENGLISH VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now