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— You lied to us

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You lied to us. — I told her with a lump in my throat.

          I never felt so betrayed. I have started to think of her as a friend, and she was doing this to us.

I'm sorry, Becky. — she said without guilt. — It's nothing personal, bestie. — she continued with a cynical smile.

Like I said... you were never in the game. — Owen commented to continue on his way. — I see you on the horizon, I make a call and they kill the girl. — he just walked away.

Tej, block all signals! Now! — I ordered totally upset and the boy got down to work.

           The rest began to arm themselves with pistols, rifles, carbines, and a host of other things.

Let's move! — my uncle spoke and between him and my father they stopped me when I started to walk.

           I looked at them seriously making it clear that I wasn't going to sit idly by while my mother was in danger. They both looked at each other and with a grimace they released me.

We coming with you. — Letty informed and we all started walking.

          Aunt Letty would be in a car with Brian and Dominic. Tej and Roman in a jeep with Hobbs. Gisele and Han in another car and finally Zayn would come with me as codriver.

          We started ride along the airstrip of the military base and in the distance we saw Shaw and his gang.

Where the hell this dude think he'sgoing? We are on an army base, he's trapped! — I heard Roman exclaim over the radio and seconds later a plane passed over us and positioned itself in front of Owen's vehicles so that they could enter and thus be able to escape.

Woah, you had to open your mouth! — Tej said to him. — Now we have a big ass plane to deal with.

That's not a plane. It's a planet! — Pearce answered when he saw the size of that thing.

          The plane opened its cargo door and Owen got on, leaving his guys so we wouldn't catch up.

She's good as dead if Shaw gets away on that plane. — I heard Letty say.

Then we won't let him away. — Dominic assured a few seconds later. — Ride or die. — said the bald man.

Ride or die. — I heard him repeat to my father.

Ride or die. — I whispered too and noticed Zayn looking at me sideways.

          I saw how Hobbs and Han were in charge of getting the trucks out of the way, leaving us a free pass to get on the plane. I speed up, approaching the ramp and boarding the huge plane.

RIDE OR DIE #1, zayn malik ⁣| fast and furious [ENGLISH VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now