Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

From Dictator to Humiliation

Once the door closed behind us I realized what happened, this is so unlike me. What was I thinking? I've known these girls for maybe two weeks and now I'm acting like I grew up with most of them. Its a good thing. I just don't know how it was possible for me to open up that fast. In the dorm I got closest to Ki because we share a room so it's bound to happen.

Yvonne and I share a small connection. She's pretty quiet compared to the others and she's Chinese. Which is another thing we share. We usually just wait something out together when we don't understand what's fully going on. Ja-Eui is like that cool friend, that bursts into our room with Hi-Sook some nights. Hee-Young is the troll, that I must defeat. Mi-Ok is Satan dictator Mom, although she looks like she hates us most of the time She always takes time out for us. Most mornings she comes into our room just to wake Ki up or to do my hair. Which I can do perfectly myself... The only one that I feel the least comfortable around is Sang. I think it's just because of the aura she gives off.

Sehun kept his arm around me, "So the shy vomit girl finally opened up," Sehun said pinching my cheek. I pulled away, swatting his hand away.

"What is with you people, stop calling me that!" I muttered and no, the shy girl is always here and plotting everyone's murder. "I didn't vomit because of you." I said.

"Want me to call you Cry Baby?" He asked. I pouted and narrowed my eyes into a glare.

"Okay stop," Chanyeol said to him. Sehun looked up and raised an eyebrow. He tightened his arm around me. I had to bite the inside of my cheeks to stop from smiling.

"How are you?" Chanyeol asked me as we walked outside. I looked up and smiled nervously. The wind blew at my cheeks uncomfortably.

"I'm good. You guys are leaving next week?" I asked, We made it to their car. Sehun went in the back pulling me with him.

"Yeah, we have a couple of concerts and some interviews to attend to." Xiumin said as he started the engine. I nodded and brought my eyes down to my lap. "How is the idol life, hate it yet?" He joked in return.

I shrugged. "I like it. The girls are nice." I said as I glanced out the window.

"That's good," Xiumin answered. "Its good, that you have good friends like that. The friendship between you and a couple of them are questionable though." He said unsure. His voice wavered.

Chanyeol laughed. "Yeah, like the one that called her a Pabo." He chuckled. "That was wonderful." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and leant back into the seat. Hee-Young...

"So how are the songs?" Sehun asked. I looked over.

"Good," I answered.

"How are the rappers?" Chanyeol asked.

"Good." I answered again.

"The dancers?" Sehun asked.

"Good." I answered for a third time. They chuckled.

"Answer good again, and we'll put you on punishment." Sehun threatened. My eyes widened. He tossed his hand through my hair. It flopped into my face and I threw a glare over as I pulled my hand back through it.

"Okay what about the vocals?" Xiumin asked. I thought about what to say. I am the vocals with Yvonne. I smirked.

"The best." I said leaning back proudly. My eyebrows lifting and dropping slightly.

"Woah!" Chanyeol chuckled. "Aren't you the vocals?" He asked.

"Yup. That's why it's the best." I replied.

Saranghae | Sehun & Leo Fanfic #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now