ᴋɪʟʟᴜᴀ's x ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ x ᴛʀᴇᴇ

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\\Annya (POV)\\

"I will now take the opportunity to introduce myself properly for the left 42 applicants," the Chairman proposed to the remaining Exam Applicants. Including me.

After we finished Phase 2, and eaten our Spider-Eagle eggs, we were brought to the airship again. We now stood in a nice looking hall.

"I'm Netero, the Chairman of the selection committee, for this years Hunter Exam! It is a pleasure to meet all of you," he said.

"And I'm his secretary Beans!" The green jelly guy from before said.

Netero began talking again. "I had originally planned to make my appearance due to Exams final Phase, but well seeing it's how I'm already here..."

Some tension escaped the air.

"I have to admit there's nothing I love more then this feeling of tension in the air," Netero said as I blankly stared at him. Huh. "So I think I'll stick around (*Killua yawned*) for the remainder of the trip," he finished while laughing. Well this guy sure is nice, I thought. If he wasn't a pervert that is.

"We are scheduled to arrive at our destination, tomorrow morning at 08.00 of clock am exactly!" Beans instructed us. "You'll find dinner waiting for you in the dining hall. You're also welcome to get some rest of course," he added. "Your free to do whatever you want want until we contact you. The evening is yours."

"Hey cmon Annya, Gon let's go explore the airship!" Killua happily exclaimed. I cheerfully smiled.

"Yeah!" Gon almost yelled as we three ran out.

"That's so much energy... not me tho, all I wanna do is crash..." I heard as Leorio whined, Kurapika agreeing with him.

\\3rd person (POV)\\

"So, how many applicants do you think will make it this year?" Menchi asked sitting with Buhara and Satotz- the other two examiners in a small dinner hall, enjoying marvellous food.

"You mean, who'll pass the Exam?" Buhara asked.

"Yep," Menchi smiled. "Looks like we have a pretty impressive group here," she said. "Thought I failed almost all of them... but still!

"Gee, I don't know! I guess it depends on what the other phases are," Buhara answered.

"That's a good point, I haven't thought of that," she said, eating. "But a few of them stand out, didn't you notice? And two of them, seem to have this all aura thing going on!" She swallowed a delicious bite and looked over at Satotz. "What do you think, Satotz?"

Satotz stopped eating and put his fork and knife away. "I'm inclined to agree, I quite like the rookies this year." He said narrowing his head to the ceiling.

"Yea, same here!" Menchi cheered. "And specially number 31 and number 294, I really think they've gotta a good shot at winning," she clinched. (31-Annya, 294-Hanzo the ninja)

"I'm partial to number 99, myself!" Satotz agreed. (99-Killua)

"He looks like a spoiled, selfish brat to me," Menchi teased. She then turned to the huge guy. "What about you Buhara?"

"Who I think will pass?" He asked dramatically. "Well he's not a rookie, but my moneys on, number 44," he exclaimed. (44-Hisoka). "I'm sure you guys noticed it too. Number 225 was throwing a fit, 44 was the one that looked like he wanted to kill someone!" He explained. "He had this cold blood attempt bloodlust," Buhara finished.

"Of course I noticed it, how can I not? It looked like he could barely restrain himself from," Menchi stated. "Hold on didn't you realise? He's been like that ever since we showed up! I've had a bad feeling about it, this whooole time," Menchi made a conclusion.

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