ᴛʜᴇ x ᴍᴏᴊᴏʀɪᴛʏ x ʀᴜʟᴇ

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\\Annya (POV)\\

I sat next to a wall, resting. I wasn't tired, just bored. I closed my eyes as a flashback came to my mind...


"...that was certainly a short farewell," Kurapika said as we all stared at each other.

"And no kidding," Leorio said his emotions between annoyed and surprised. "I don't think any of us excepted all those hidden doors to lead us to the same room."

Apparently, I figured that those trap doors may lead to a one room, but it was just a hunch. I surely need to listen to my thoughts more often...

I snapped out of my thoughts, hearing footsteps and to see Gon walking to a weird looking, white table and a white board with letters, words. I then stood up with others walking to that thing too.

"Hey look at this! The 6 who drop into this chamber, must find their way together by consensus of the majority," Gon said as I stared blankly at the board, raising a brow.

"Wait, 6?" Leorio asked.

"Look! They've been left us 6 wrist timers!" Gon exclaimed as we all took a bracelet.

"With buttons marked out X and O," Killua notified us, as we put on them.

"Do you think, it's possible. That we won't be able to leave this room at all, until someone else drops in and joins us down here?" Kurapika said, worried expression on his face.

"Very good!" A voice from somewhere afar complimented us, as we turned around.

"Who's there?!" Leorio shouted. Loud as always.

"My name is Lippo! I'm the prisoner warden here, not to mention your examiner of the third phase of the exam!" Lippo exclaimed.

"Is he... did he say he's a prison warden?" I backed away.

"We've gone to the trouble of preparing multiple roots through the tower. And the one you chosen, is the path of majority rule," Lippo explained. "If you want to pass, and I'm sure you do, corporation is the only way to success. One person acting selfishly could fail the entire group. And, of course, you won't be permitted to start, until you have six members, present," Lippo said as I blankly stared at my light red shoes and white socks. "That's it lady and gentleman! Best of luck." He finished somehow mischievously.

The column he spoke from then clinched and went silent.

"Ahh!" Leorio annoyed leaned back. "We seriously can't start, till somebody else shows up? So what now?"

"I guess we should just wait," I shrunk. Our all eyes went to the ceiling. This is sure going to take sometime...

...flashback end...

Gon was now trying out Killua's skateboard, Killua was trying out Gon's fishing robe and Leorio with Kurapika were sitting to a wall, like I was.

"Oh come on!" Leorio yelled. Making Gon stop on the skateboard and everyone's gaze go on him. "We've been sitting here for 2 hours! What if everybody else already found their way down, what are we suppose to do, huh?! We can't be the only one's stuck at the top, to look like total idiots!"

I stood up yawing and walked up to Killua who seemed as bored as he could be, while Kurapika tried to calm down Leorio. Leorio argued back to him. And then I heard...

Is that tapping? I thought looking up, frowning. I noticed that Gon and Killua also noticed the sound. Kurapika managed to shush Leorio as we all stared at the ceiling. The brick moved up, as my eyes widened.

\\ ᴛᴀᴍᴀsʜɪ // killua x reader (OC)Where stories live. Discover now