ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs x ᴀɴᴅ x ᴇɴᴇᴍʏs

750 16 3

\\3rd person (POV)\\

Gon's Aunt Mito was calmly drying clothes back at Whale Island, when she noticed a letter hanging from her poster with the Hunter Emblem on it.

She took it home, sat to the table with Gon's grandma and started reading.

"Dear Aunt Mito, and grandma, how are you doing? I'm doing pretty okay myself!" She read, as a slight chuckle escaped her mouth. "I just passed the 3rd phase of the Hunter Exam! Isn't that great? But, it has been pretty though getting this far. Right after I left the Island, the boat I was riding with ran out in a big storm! It wasn't all bad though. That's where I met Leorio and Kurapika! They both at start didn't do that well with each other, but after they solved their conflicts we all became friends! That's what lead us three to travelling together! And we head it off to find the Hunter Exam! But the journey wasn't easy at all! But we did get to the Hunter Exam's site, by answering a crazy woman's riddle, helping out some people! Then the real Hunter Exam began! We had to run about 80 kilometres and we did it! That's also when I made friends with a boy and a girl - Killua and Annya, and their about the same age as me! Killua said that he doesn't intend to be a Hunter, he was just challenging himself. While I noticed that Annya is pretty similar to me! She wants to be a Hunter, because both of her parents are them. I'm really glad I found someone my age! It's nice to have friends like them! We got to challenge the Chairman of the Hunter Exam, make food (to which only Annya passed), and grab eggs from Spider-Eagles! The Hunter Exam's been a lot of fun with them around, Killua and Annya I mean! We three are best friends now so it's pretty cool!...


\\Annya (POV)\\

"Ah, so you sent a letter to your Aunt?" I asked brushing my hair with my fingers.

"Mhm! I hope she gets it as soon as possible!" Gon cheered as I laughed, next to Killua. We just got out of the trick tower and were standing on the green grass, sunlight twilights sparkling on our faces.

"Congratulations on escaping Trick Tower, everyone!" Said a short man with purple hair going up, and big glasses. From his voice I assumed he was the same Lippo, who was the examiner of the 3rd phase. "All that remain now is the 4th phase and the final phase."

"Oh, so not as much, hm?" I smiled.

"Looks like it," Killua nodded. "Only 25 of us remains. So if my calculations are right about 11 of us will pass."

"The 4th phase will take place right there," Lippo pointed at a island behind him. "The Zevil Island. Now let's proceed."

"Why do I not like where this is going..." I mumbled as Gon shushed me.

The guy clapped his fingers as a huge metal box was brought to him.

"To begin with, I will need each of you to draw lots now." Lippo said smiling.


...draw lots for what?.."

"...what will that decide?.."

"...what is going on..."

Lippo smirked, in a not a likeable way. "Who you Hunt, and who Hunts you." I shot my gaze from the ground in disbelief. "In this box, are exactly 25 numbered cards which means, that one of the numbered cards will be the same as your badge. Now, each of you will draw a card in the order you exited the tower."

I sight. Looks like I'm gonna need to wait some time, huh?

"Now then, which of you was first?"

Everyone looked around as I suddenly sensed the same dark aura I've remembered from before.

\\ ᴛᴀᴍᴀsʜɪ // killua x reader (OC)Where stories live. Discover now