ᴋɪʟʟᴜᴀ x ᴀɴᴅ x ᴀɴɴʏᴀ

853 20 3

\\Annya (POV)\\

A few days has passed since I've got the badge and me and Killua have been travelling along since. The forest was always bright and beautiful wherever we got. But something was bugging me.

"This is getting annoying," I sight as Killua glanced at me. "How long will that person keep following us?"

Killua groaned bored himself before turning around. "Your wasting your time!" He said loudly. "Follow us all you want, but I'll never give you a chance to attack!"

No one answered.

Killua sight with annoyance. While I just watched the exact place where the guy was.

"Come out, or I'll come to you!" Killua shouted. He started walking towards the presence. "This really is a pain you know," he said as I stood in my spot.

"Chances are he's only 1 point worth," I sight. Another two presences appeared.

I looked over to see two guys from before. The ones with their badges. Only without their 3rd guy.

"Big brother!" Said a voice from the bushes. Oh so the one following us was their third guy... or brother.

Killua looked at the view calmly.

"We ran into a little trouble," said the brother with red sweater.

"You must be done by now, right?" Said another one, with a yellow top and black sleeves. He was a little overweight, and that reminded me of Tompa. But this one was taller.

They both then looked over to me and Killua as I was now walking up to him. I stood next to him as we both watched the little family reunion.

The two brothers glared at their little one. They both walked up to him and basically started kicking him.

"What are you, an idiot?!"

"You can't even beat little kids?!"

"I can't believe you!"

They both stood in front of him as I slipped behind Killua.

"I'm so glad I don't have siblings..." I mumbled as Killua raised his brows at me.

"Hold on! You got it all wrong big brother!" Said the youngest brother with blue sweater.

"And what part did I get wrong?!" The red sweater boy yelled.

"I... I didn't want to hurt little kids, that's all! I thought I'll just hold off and will take it while he slept!" He said trying to smile.

"Your so full of it!" Shouted the yellow sweater brother.

I walked next to Killua from his back.

"F-f-f-fine, you got me!" He apologised. "And your right, I guess I should rap this up!" He said turning to us with an evil smirk. "Time for a beat down."

He started to walk towards us. So he's now so confident, since his brothers are here? Wow what a man...

The guy walked up to us, as he stared down at us. "Alright kids, how about you hand over your badges?"

I sternly looked at Killua. He looked as bored as ever.

"Do as I say and you won't get hurt."

"Idiot," Killua said. The guy got really angry. He kicked Killua in the stomach as he flew some meters away. I stepped right before he could do the same to me. Hm. I guess he didn't notice it did he?

I landed a few feet away from Killua as the guy smiled mischievously. "Don't say I didn't warn ya!" He laughed. "Bam! Right in the guts!"

"Must hurt like hell!" Smiled the yellow one.

\\ ᴛᴀᴍᴀsʜɪ // killua x reader (OC)Where stories live. Discover now