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Waking up with a hangover sucks so much. It made me so nauseous and dizzy everytime I get sober. I hate having hangovers but I love drinking beers. Beer keeps all my problems away. Problem in school, homeworks, fake friends and break up.

I just broke up with my boyfriend last night after seeing her making out with my suppose to be friend. Of course it hurted me but for some reason I just didn't give a fuck about the two. 

Let them be with what they want. 

I don't like being played at. I think I would like to play with someone's heart but I wouldn't like it if it was mine whose you've been playing with. 

–I stood up, letting my feet touch the cold floor and walked lazily to the bathroom to do my morning routine. I showered, brushed my teeth, changed into new clothes for school. I'm just thankful of one thing in my high school life, it's us not being able to wear school uniforms, we can wear whatever we want.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs and saw mom and dad already eating their foods. Some laughter were heard and I saw my brothers laughing about something.

"Hey, fam!" I greeted in my usual happy tone and sat down beside my oldest brother. They greeted back a 'hey' and stayed silent which was odd since they would always ask me why I drinked so much that I got wasted.

"We know it hurts to get cheated on, but he's not worth it" Dad stated that made me choke. My oldest brother started patting my back as I drank my water quickly. 

"How did you know?" I asked recovering from my early actions and cleared my throat. They all looked at one another before they started laughing that made me frown.

"You really are so wasted last night, you keep blabbing about how you would kill Sehun for cheating on you" My older brother said, still laughing at me. I blushed at how I remembered my last night's action of grabbing Sehun's picture and stabbed it with a knife so many times.

"Shut it" I growled and stuffed foods at my mouth. They stopped laughing and continued eating their foods. They just know how to get on my nerves so much.


I was walking my way into school since I hate riding bikes and I'm not on the right age to ride a car. The school was also just blocks away from me. I don't need a driver that drives me around wherever I go, mom and dad understands and lets me be.

I reached the school and all students looked at me. I was used to this kind of attention since first year of high school. I don't mind though, it's just sometimes students can't stop staring, it's making me so uncomfortable.

"Hey, Jennie" I turned to my side to see Sehun running towards me. I frown and quickly fastened my walk but unlucky me, he catched up, grabbing my hand and panted as he turned me around.

"What the heck do you want?" I asked coldly to him. He catched his own breathing before dragging me somewhere. I tried breaking free from his grip but he's too strong for me. He dragged me all the way to the rooftop.

"Yah Sehun! Are you out of your mind!? Do I need to remind you that we BROKE up last night!?" I shouted at him, emphasizing the word 'broke' and was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist and pinned me on the wall. His grip was getting tighter and tighter that caused me to hiss in pain.

"I still love you, Jennie, what you saw last night was your friend that kissed me! I didn't liked her kiss! Your kisses are the only one that I like!" He explained and started kissing my neck. He's really out of his damn mind.

"Ha! keep lying, you jerk! If she kissed you all of a sudden and you didn't like it, you should have pushed her instead of kissing her back!" I said, pushing him and glared at him. He raised his hand and slapped me hard on the cheeks. I felt sting on my cheeks before he pushed me back into the wall and attacked my neck while I tried pushing him back.

"Stop playing hard to get, you bitch!" he shouted, pulling away from me and raised his hand again. I closed my eyes and expected another slap but heard a loud punch instead.

"She's not playing hard to get, she just doesn't want a jerk like you" I heard a deep and husky voice said. I opened my eyes and saw a girl standing in front of me. Her smell invaded mine and she smelled so sweet. Her smell and voice was so familiar before she grabbed me by the hand and dragged me away from Sehun.

I saw her face now that caused me to let out a gasp. She ignored me that was staring at her with a whole shocked face and continued dragging me. I heard some students were gossiping and I quickly blushed as I noticed, she was holding my hands. We were already going inside the clinic. Her hand was still holding mine, it was so soft and smooth that I can hold it all day long.

"Stay here and treat that slap" She said with her usual cold tone before letting my hand go. She was about to go when I stopped her by grabbing her jacket that made her stop in her tracks and looked back at me.

"Uh, Jisoo, right?" I asked, gulping down a lump in my throat, and gave her a nervous chuckle. She was wearing her cold face like she always do. 

She was wearing a white hoodie that got a number '95' on the back paired with black jeans and shoes. She was wearing a black cartier watch and there was a wireless headphone hanging on her neck. Both her hands were on her pocket. 

I now know why everyone simps for her. She looks damn hot by doing nothing.

Examining her face more. I heard her clear her throat and quirked an eyebrow at me. Blood rose up on my cheeks and I quickly let her jacket go and looked away. She gave me a 'yes' before wearing her headphone and walked away from me.

'I never knew she looked this hot' I thought and grabbed the ice pack and treat my slap. 

Oh shoot! 

I never got to thank her.

Well, next time we encounter again, that's when I will thank her, that'll do.

Will there be a next time?



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