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"Jongin-ssi!" Jisoo ran towards Jongin. Jongin stopped talking with the police officers, and guided Jisoo to where his office was. 

"Hey, hey, hey, everything's going to be okay, hmm? Just calm down, Jis" Jongin hugged the raven haired, and started soothing her back. Jisoo took a deep breath, and pulled the note from her pocket, showing it to Jongin with teary eyes.

"Dae-hyun Kim that son of a bitch" Jongin ran his fingers through his hair, and groaned frustratedly. Jisoo's father was crazy, definitely crazy already.

"W-what do we do?" Jisoo sobbed. Jongin took a deep breath, and sat down beside Jisoo. 

"We can call the police and track his number, but whatever you decide, I'll be here by your side" Jongin patted Jisoo's shoulder, and engulfed her into a hug. Jisoo was never into hugs with guys, – including her brother – but she needed Jongin's comfort, and let him hug her warmly.

"I'll face him, alone" Jisoo sighed. Jongin wasn't okay with the idea, but he respects her decision. Jisoo took her phone out, and started typing the numbers. It rang a few times before she heard whimpers, cries in the background. 

"Hear your friends trying to cry for us to stop?" Jisoo clenched her jaw, and her blood was already boiling, she wanted to kill him at that moment. Jongin saw fires in Jisoo's eyes and he immediately grabbed her hand and caressed it, giving Jisoo a small nod.

"What do you want?" Jisoo asked in gritted teeth. Dae-hyun chuckled darkly, and Jisoo no longer heard cries in the background. 

"Simple, kill my one and only remaining child. you, Jin, and Ella, all disgrace in my family shall die" 

"Then, I'll go" Jisoo said without hesitating. She wanted for all of this to end. And she will end it no matter what happens.

"Good, I'll text you my location, come here all alone, if you don't, I'll make sure to kill your friends" before Jisoo could speak, the line was already cut off.


"Jisoo, I can call for backup now" 

"No, I'm going to be fine" 


"Jongin, I promise, If I don't come out after 20 minutes, then that's when you call a backup" Jisoo firmly said. Jongin huffed, and crossed his arms.

"Jongin Kim, promise me" Jisoo quirked an eyebrow. Jongin didn't talked nor looked at her.

"Jongin-ssi, please?" Jisoo pouted. Jongin looked at Jisoo, and gave her a small nod that made Jisoo smile. She took a deep breath, and went outside the car. She gulped looking at the abandon building in front of her, and went inside.

"Father?" Jisoo called, her voice echoed around the room. She roamed her eyes around the empty halls and rooms and sighed. 

"Ah! Please! stop!" Jisoo heard Jennie's voice. Her eyes widened, and immediately ran to where the sound was. She gasped seeing Jennie had blood all over her body, bruises and cuts on her face. Rosé and Lisa was unconcious but Jennie was crying in pain as Jisoo's so called father continuously slapped her.

"YOU FUCKER!! How dare you fucking lay your hands on her!! I've warned you about this, you piece of shit!!" Jisoo shouted angrily. She charged towards Dae-hyun but immediately was caught by two muscular men. Jisoo tried breaking free from their grip but they were too strong for her to handle.

"Look who's here" Dae-Hyun smirked. He stopped slapping Jennie who was already breathless, crying because of the pain she was feeling.

"Jichu-ah" Jennie weakly called. Jisoo's heart broke into million pieces as she saw how Jennie's voice was so weak.

"It's me that you fucking want!! Let them go!" Jisoo snapped, receiving a harsh slap from Dae-Hyun.

"How dare you fucking shout at your father?!" Dae-hyun slapped Jisoo again. He smirked, going towards Jennie, and grabbed her face.

"Stop touching her, you fuck!" Dae-hyun's face turned cold and gestured for his men to continue punching Jisoo. One by one, they gave kicks, punch on Jisoo's body. Jennie cried hearing Jisoo's groans and grunts as she was continuously being kicked by them, she bursted crying when she saw how Jisoo already coughed blood.

"Please! Stop! please! I-i'll break up with Jisoo, just please! please stop!" Jennie cried. Jisoo then stopped one of the kicks that was suppose to hit her face. 

In one swift motion, Jisoo was already up from the ground, and broke his feet that caused for the man to shout at the top of his lungs, and cried in pain. Jisoo grabbed the gun that belonged to the man, and immediately shoot the other one.

"Ah-ah, not so fast, my daughter" Dae-hyun smirked. He was also holding a gun while pointing it at Jennie's head. Jisoo bit her bottom lip, trembling as she held on the gun trigger.

"Shoot, and I will too" Dae-hyun threatened. Jisoo clenched her jaw and put her gun down just to be shot by Dae-hyun in the shoulder. She groaned, and immediately lifted her gun up, and was about to trigger it but was stopped by her mom.

"Please, stop, he's still your father, Jisoo" Mrs. Kim cried out, cupping her cheeks and started caressing it. Jisoo's eyes became teary before she heard a gun fire. Then within another minute, she saw how her mother coughed blood, and went weak.

"What a pity, your mother will surely die" Jisoo saw her father smirked. 

Mrs. Kim fell down on the floor as her legs felt weak, she fell down along with Jisoo who supported for her head to prevent from bumping on the floor, her mother's blood and her own was mixed while pooling on the floor. Police sirens were soon heard around that made Dae-hyun's eyes wide in fear. He cursed and was about to run away but police officers were already circling around him.

"J-jisoo-ah, mom is s-sorry for everything, hm?" Jisoo placed her mother down gently on the ground. Police came inside and cuffed the two men and Dae-hyun.

"M-mom, everything is g-going to be okay, hm? Medics are here" Jisoo cried, she placed a kiss on her forehead, as her mother closed her eyes, and let Jisoo's hand go while the medics took her away. Jisoo stood up, some blood were on her shirt and hands as tears pooled in her eyes. She didn't even bothered checking her own shot as anger rise and looked at Dae-hyun.

"You think this is all over? I told you, this is not over until I haven't killed you yet!" Dae-hyun shouted. He suddenly grabbed the gun that was on the ground that caught the police officers off guard. He pointed it at Jisoo before a loud gunshot echoed around the building. 

More blood trickled down on Jisoo's hands before her vision went blurry, her body immediately dropping down as it felt weak as her body continued losing blood. She tried catching her own breathing. she felt her heart beat slowing down every second that passed. she heard another gunshot. And soon she felt different, she was feeling more weak than ever. She heard a shout, a shout coming from a familiar voice. 

"Jisoo!" Jisoo heard in a low voice, everything was starting to become inaudible. She wasn't sure with what was going on anymore, all she know was someone was holding her hand, softly whispering to her, telling her to don't go.

 And Jisoo found out at that moment,

maybe not every story has their own happy endings.


Sad ending? Ya'll, I'm a clown🤡 We'll have our last chapter in my next update :) Stay safe!–Author

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