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"Jennie, are you ready?" Mom asked on the outside as she knocked.

We're going out on a business party that we got invited. I tried doing some excuse that I can't come to the party but Dad said the host of the party wants all of us in there which is kinda weird but the party's true purpose is to know who you're dealing with if you want to have a great contract with your business partner.

I haven't seen Jisoo attending her classes for the past two days after what happened that night in her house. I tried visiting her at her house but she was also not there. I tried asking Principal Lee about it but he only said Jisoo excused herself that she won't be able to get back to class for a few days.

"Yeah, just a minute, I'll be out Mom!" I shouted back and grabbed my purse and went outside the house along with mom. My brothers gave me a smile before a limo stopped infront of us.

"This will be a short party, chit chats here and there with the adults and it's all done, your father just wants to find a new business partner" Mom patted my shoulder and entered along with my brothers.

"Yeah, just a short party" I heaved out a sigh before also entering the limo. 

This will be a boring night.


"Mr. Lee, it's very nice to finally meet you" Dad shaked hands with the old man named Mr. Lee. 

As soon as I stepped on this shitty party my energy went all the way down. My brothers was with their friends since some of their friends attended the party. I sulked as I followed my parents chit chat with the old man before I bumped into someone. I expected to fall down so I closed my eyes and be finally in the center of attraction as a clumsy person but no...

The person I bumped into wrapped it's arm around my waist and pulled me closer to it's body before I gained my balance back thanks to that person. I opened my eyes slowly and was met by familiar brown eyes.

"Hey... I never thought you're also here" Jisoo said and helped me stand up straight. I cleared my throat and looked at her up and down. She was wearing a white off shoulder jumpsuit showing her collarbone more better and her hair was putted on one side of her shoulder that exposed her other side of neck fully. 

"Y-yeah, you too, you.... you look different" I snapped out of my thoughts and gave her a smile. 

"Different? Do I look weird wearing this jumpsuit?" She asked and I quickly answered a 'no'. 

"You look so ethereal in that jumpsuit" I said and stared at her once again. I never thought that she will look more beautiful than what she looks like in the school. 

"Hey... Jen, you sure you're okay?" Jisoo's voice snapped me back to reality again. I never realized she was holding my hand now that made me gasp a little and gave her a nervous chuckle.

"I-I haven't seen you in school for two days, I tried visiting in your house but you're also not there" I changed the topic and gently pulled my hands away from her. It's making me freeze at my spot when she does that, holding and playing with my hands.

"About that, I thought it's good to have a great time alone, you know, to forget about all that has happened" She explained with a smile. I was about to talk when a man around our age placed his hand on Jisoo's shoulder making me raise an eyebrow and my blood quickly boiled at his action.

"Hey Jisoo, I was looking all over for you" He said. I saw how Jisoo rolled her eyes before putting on a smile and faced the man.

"Hey, Hae In, I was lost and met my friend here" I don't know why but when she said I'm her 'friend' it hurted me like hell. 

"Jennie, this is Hae In, Hae In this is Jennie" Jisoo introduced the both of us. He was wearing a grey suit paired with brown oxford shoes.

'He's a good looking one but who is he?'

"It's my pleasure to meet you, Jennie, I'm Jung Hae In, Jisoo's date for the night" He said and gave me a smile before extending his hand, offering a hand shake.

What the heck? 

Her Date? 

Bruh... she doesn't even find boys attractive.

"It's also my pleasure to meet you, Hae In, I'm Jisoo's... uh-- friend" I accepted his hand shake and gave him my best and fakest smile just for him.

"Please excuse us, Jisoo your mother is looking for you" Hae In gestured for Jisoo to follow him. Jisoo heaved out a sigh before bidding goodbye at me. 


After God only knows how many hours I stayed inside the party I got irritated by I don't even know what they're talking about. I tried finding Jisoo but she was nowhere to be seen.

"I want to leave this place so badly" I groaned and leaned on to the railings and heaved out a sigh. It was also getting cold but then someone back hugged me making me jump a little but as soon as her sweet scent filled my nose, I relaxed in her arms and let her hug me.

"If you want to leave I know a place where we can go" She whispered to me. She started distributing small kisses on my neck like she always do when we're alone. She also found my fingers and interlocked them with hers.

"Yeah sure, I badly want to leave this awful place" I playfully groaned before she let out a chuckle and I felt her pull away from the hug and I quickly missed her warmth. She then dragged me to the parking lot and made me enter a purple Audi R8. She started the engine and drive away.

"What about Hae In?" I asked. I didn't want to ask about that guy but I have conscience, he might end up roamig around the big house just to find out Jisoo left already with me, Jisoo's friend.

"He gave me his number, I would just text him" Jisoo shrugged and I frowned thinking that Jisoo never gave me her cellphone number.


"It's just that you never gave me your number" 

"You don't need my number, you already have my spare house keys so you can always visit me, even my parents doesn't have one" She laughed and grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

"You know, you're the only person I'm really comfortable with after all these years of being alone, I'm so glad you're my friend" She admitted. 

Is that what you really see me as? Just your friend? 

I hate hearing you say that I'm just your friend


Hi! How's everyone doing? Hope you all are doing fine! I'm sorry if this chapter is too boring. Anyways, Stay safe! Always drink your water! –Author

Started With A Dare「Jensoo」✓Where stories live. Discover now