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"Jisoo! Please calm down!" Jennie shouted, she ran after Jisoo on the rain but was too late when the older girl already rode her car and quickly drove away.

"Fuck" Jennie cursed. she went back on the dorm. she saw Rosé, Lisa with their worried face while Sehun was continuously crying, he had bruises on all over his face after Jisoo punched him non-stop earlier. Jennie made her way on to where Sehun was sitting , and grabbed his collar making him stand up.

"What the fuck did you say to her?!" Jennie asked shouting at him. He only kept his head hung low as he uttered another sorry to me. This time, Jennie slapped him, he kept saying sorry and wouldn't even explain what happened. Jisoo all of a sudden punched him earlier, sending him down on the ground, groaning so much after he received a hard punches from Jisoo.

"I'm sorry" He said once again, and Jennie was so irritated with his sorry. The brunette was about to slap him again but Rosé stopped her from doing so. She calmed Jennie down.

"I-- I told her about Jin, his b-brother" Sehun started. Hr kept quiet nextly then, and that made Jennie so mad, and went inside her room. she changed her clothes that was soak, and tried calling Jisoo many times, she wasn't answering any of it.


"And third, Jin...." Sehun stopped, he sighed and looked at Jisoo's eyes directly, "....your father wanted me to kill your brother" Jisoo froze.

"Jin was.... was ready to report him, and all to the police, he used me, he knew that.... that I was angry with Jin at that time, I know I was so dumb. I-i saw how b-both of them seek for my h-help but I ran away, I was about to get arrested b-but your father h-helped to not to get in, from t-then on he—" Sehun was interrupted when Jisoo threw a hard punch on his face. 

"Why the fuck would you do that to Jin?!! Was it because you envy him?!!" Jisoo angrily asked. She hovered above Sehun and started throwing punches on him. He groaned and cried in pain as he continuously felt hard punches being thrown at him. Lucky him, the girls were there to stop Jisoo from killing Sehun.

"Let me go!! Fuck you, Sehun!! I'll fucking kill you!!" Lisa was gripping tightly on Jisoo, and for a small person, Lisa has to admit she needed help, Jisoo was too strong for her to handle.

"I'm sorry, Jisoo, please" Sehun said, his tone was full of apologetic. Jisoo clenched her jaw, her hands turned into fist, showing some veins. She harshly pulled her arms away from Lisa, Jennie and Rosé's grip and closed her gap with Sehun. Jennie ran after her girlfriend that was so angry.

"You said it was my father?" Jisoo asked, her voice was more huskier and colder than earlier. Sehun gulped. He slowly gave Jisoo a nod before Jisoo passed right through him. 

"Jisoo! Please calm down!" Jennie shouted. She followed the older girl to the heavy pouring rain, and tried calling out her name but it was useless, and Jisoo already left and drove through the dangerous slippery road.



"Jisoo? why did you call so late?" Jisoo's mom asked. She ignored the question and asked her mother what she wanted to ask.

"Where is Father right now?" Jisoo coldly asked.

"He's here in the house, why are you–" Mrs. Kim was interrupted by Jisoo's cold and husky voice.

"I'm going there, and maybe talk some shits with him" Jisoo hang her phone up before Mrs. Kim could even answer. She threw her phone on the backseat and sped up, reaching the speed limit already but she didn't care. All she wanted was an explanation from her father who she know that will definitely deny what Sehun said.

Started With A Dare「Jensoo」✓Where stories live. Discover now