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Three Years Later....

"Where are you going, unnie? It's our graduation night!" Lisa shouted. Jennie only gave her a shrug, and hopped on her car. Yes, she finally had her own car. On second year of college, she figured out she needed a car ride on her own. Being the only one who goes to school without any accompany just like she used to do, she found out going to school without a car is a big mistake.

She drove her car away from the school, and took off her mortarboard cap, throwing it at the back of the car. She proceeded then on focusing on the road, and peacefully drove to her destination.


Jennie took a deep breath. She held the flower bouquet tight and placed it on the grave. She started cleaning the tombstone, and smiled as she looked at the picture. 

"Are you guys happy there?" Jennie asked, staring at the tombstones. She sighed, and took a sit in front of the grave as she reminisce everything that has happened.


Jennie gasped seeing Jisoo fall down on the floor, she was starting to pool on her own blood. Another gunshot was heard, making Jennie look to where it came from. Dae-hyun was shot on his stomach. But Jennie didn't care anymore, and continued to shout Jisoo's name. 

When Jongin came and untied Jennie's hand, she didn't hesitate to run to where the medics were checking her girlfriend's pulse. What made Jennie tremble in fear was the medics shouting at one another, telling each other that Jisoo's pulse was getting slower.

"Help me here! We need to get her to a near hospital or she might die from losing too much blood!" The medics rushed to Jisoo. One was helping Jisoo to breath, one was putting pressure to Jisoo's bleeding wound. All Jennie can do was trust to what they were doing, and silently pray for Jisoo to be okay.

"Don't go, Chu" Jennie softly said. It was almost like a whisper. Jennie sobbed, and took Jisoo's hands that were full of blood, and started caressing it. 


Jennie had her eyebrows furrowed, when nurse started panicking, they were entering the surgery room with lots of medical equipment, and it hit Jennie. It was happening to Jisoo.

"Flatline! Hurry! Get me the defibrillator!" 

Jennie looked inside. It broke her heart seeing Jisoo's body full of bruises, her shirts were full of blood. She saw the doctor started the defibrillator, and placed it to Jisoo's body.

"120 joules! Clear!" 

'Come on, Chu, Please'

"Not working! 140 Joules! Clear!" 

'Please, Chichu, stay'

"160 Joules! Clear!" 

And that's it. Jennie had enough. She stomped her way inside the surgery room that made all eyes look at her. Her eyes were red and puffy due to all the crying she did. A male nurse stopped her from going further and he gestured for the doctor to continue.

"180 Joules! Clear!" The doctor shocked Jisoo's body again, but it was still on flatline.

"Jisoo! Please! Stay here! Stay! Please don't leave me.... Please, Jichu-ah" Jennie shouted as she tried breaking free from the nurse's grip. 

"Remember your promise! please! you told me you were still going to marry me! you told me were going to have a one big happy family!" Jennie's voice cracked. Before she could even speak more, she was already out, still on the nurse's arms as she started crying at Jisoo's current state. 

Started With A Dare「Jensoo」✓Where stories live. Discover now