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"Yah Lalisa! Go unpack your things instead of laying down there" Rosie scolded the thai girl that was laying down on the couch and only winked at Rosé that made the australian groan annoyed.

"Let me enjoy my moment here, I still can't believe we graduated and now attending college!" Lisa exclaimed. 

All of them graduated at last and will now attend college together. They enrolled together in the same school – all got in and passed – and ended up staying with one dorm, well, except for Taehyung. He was separated from the girls and was paired with boys named Jimin and Jungkook. Jisoo graduated as a valedictorian just as the whole school expected. Everyone was proud of Jisoo but Jennie knew deep inside that the older girl was sad not seeing her own parents attending the graduation. She comforted the girl saying that she'll always be there and ended up cuddling with her for the rest of the day.

"Jisoo?.... Chu-yah?" Jennie furrowed her eyebrows seeing Jisoo wasn't outside the dorm nor in the kitchen. She closed it before running towards one of the room just to see Jisoo laying down on her bed, earphones plugged in while her fingers tapped on the bed as she hummed softly on the song.

"Chu!" Jennie jumped on top of the older girl making Jisoo let out an 'oof'and opened her eyes and smiled at the sigt of Jennie clinging onto her like a koala.

"Yah, can't you see I'm having my relaxation?" Jisoo asked, pouting. Jennie looked up, resting her chin on Jisoo's chest before leaning in to place a kiss on the pouty lips of her girlfriend.

"I badly want your attention" Jennie said in her aegyo voice. Jisoo let out a chuckle and changed their position, Jennie's back hitting the soft matress making her laugh. Jisoo cupped her cheeks and pecked her lips, taking her earphones out and smiled at Jennie.

"I'm all yours now" Jisoo softly said. Jennie wrapped her arms around Jisoo's neck and pulled her in for a kiss. Jisoo melted at it and didn't hesitate to kiss back with the same passionate kiss just as her girlfriend. Both were so lost in the kiss not noticig their hands gettig a little.... naughty?

"You smell so good" Jisoo whispered as she inhaled Jennie's sweet strawberry scent before diving in to kiss her neck. Jisoo sneaked her hands inside the younger girl's shirt and traced her girlfriend's abs, she love licking those so much. 

"t-they're o-outside" Jennie stuttered, biting her bottom lip to prevent a moan from coming out as she felt Jisoo's hand resting on her thighs, gently giving it a squeeze and made her way upper than it was getting closer to where she wants Jisoo. She knew Jisoo have no thoughts of stopping even though the maknaes' are outside.

"Jennie unnie can you— oh for fucks sake! stop making out!" Lisa shouted, covering her eyes quickly. The couple pulled away from their intense kiss just when Jisoo was about to pull Jennie's jeans off. They panted, trying to catch their normal breathing as they looked at Lisa in two different stares, one was giving an embarrassed or apologetic stares while the other one was giving deadly stares.

"Lisa for pete's sake don't you know how to knock!?" Jennie growled and threw a pillow at Lisa. Jisoo was already red from embarrasment and quickly buried her face in the crook of her girlfriend's neck.

"Aww, little Jisoo is embarrassed?" Lisa teased and it made Jisoo more redder than ever if it was even possible, she looks like a complete tomato right now.

"Stop teasing her, Manobal" Jennie threw another pillow and it hit the thai girl right into her face.

"H-how about some ice cream?" Jisoo butted in seeing the two girls glaring at each other already. If she won't butt in there may be another world war because of these two girls.

"Ice cream!? Yehey! I'll tell Rosie!" Lisa happiky went out of the room and started shouting Rosé's name telling that they'll go out for an ice cream.

"You really should know how to deal with Lisa's teasing" Jennie teased making the older girl huff and pout. They may be together for months now but for Jisoo she still wants to take it slow with making new friends, she's still learning on being close with Rosé and Lisa by hanging out with them sometimes and treating them out with whatever they crave.


"This is nice" Rosé muttered. Jisoo brought them three in the Hangang Park telling them that the sunset is beautiful in there and Jisoo was telling the truth, it was a beautiful sunset that they should see.

"The sun is beautiful just like you" Lisa stated while looking at Rosé who cringed at her and pushed her face away making Lisa pout while Rosé was laughing, she can't believe Lisa is a lame flirt.

"I was telling the truth!" Lisa pouted more seeing Rosé just laughing at her. Lisa then had a brilliant yet dangerous idea before launching in to take a big bite out of Rosé's ice cream before running away with hers.

"Yah! Manoban!" Rosé shouted angrily and ran after Lisa who was laughing around while sticking her tongue out on Rosé.

"Catch me if you can!" Lisa shouted at Rosé as they ran from each other. 

"Woopps!" Lisa uttered as she almost bumped into Jisoo but luckily she quickly avoided into the crash and continued running away from Rosé who was picking up on her pace.

"I hope they realize how deeply in love they are for each other" Jennie started making Jisoo laugh. Turns out that Lisa liked Rosé since the first time they met while Rosé admitted she was catching feelings for Lisa day by day, both are still scared to confess. 

"Don't worry, Lisa would ask her out today" Jisoo stated making Jennie look at her confused. Jisoo only gave her a smile before gently grabbing the younger girl's hand and interlocked their fingers together.

"Lisa asked me earlier while you and Rosé was buying ice cream. She asked if she should go and ask Rosé out and I agreed with her idea" Jisoo shrugged. Jennie chuckled before placing her head on her girlfriend's shoulder and earned a kiss on the head making her smile.

"I love you" Jennie mumbled but was enough for Jisoo to hear and make her heart flutter, her butterflies going wild just because of those three words.

"I love you too, Jendeukie" Jisoo softly said, lifting Jennie's hand that she was holding and gave it a kiss.


"Gotcha!" Rosé laughed as she tickled Lisa who was already whining. 

"Stop! Okay, you win! I'm sorry!" Lisa shouted more like whining. Rosé stopped and sat down beside Lisa as they watched the sunset together. Lisa gulped as she took glances at Rosé who was too engrossed at the sun, smiling so wide.

"Jisoo and Jennie started because of a dare and now look at them, together and happy" Rosé stated. Lisa looked over to where Jensoo was, they were walking side by side, holding hands while Jisoo was saying something that's making Jennie smile so wide and sometimes laugh along with Jisoo.

"They look so perfect together" Lisa said and Rosé agreed. Lisa heaved out a sigh and looked over to Rosé who was still looking at Jensoo's direction while smiling.

"Rosé, I-- umm, will you... will you go out with me? Like g-go out on a d-d-date with me?" Lisa stuttered. Rosé was wearing her poker face that made Lisa nervous with what her answer was. Rosé then gave her a smile before nodding.

"Sure, Lis, I would love to go out on a date with you" Rosé said. Lisa was feeling her heart beat fast as if it wants to get out. She looked over to their side to see Jennie and Jisoo was approaching them.

"Rosé agreed to go out with me!" 

"Congrats, Lis"

"Congrats, Manobal"



I honestly was going to end the story on my last update since everything was done(the dare)but I decided to extend this book and give this story some spice... you know what I mean? Anyways, see you on my next update and get ready for some spice! –Author

Started With A Dare「Jensoo」✓Where stories live. Discover now