ᴇᴘɪʟᴏɢᴜᴇ: 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓘𝓼 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮[M]

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years later...

Jisoo shut her car door, and heaved out a sigh. She was finally back in Korea. She groaned in satisfaction as she stretched her arms. She looked in front of her and saw a simple yet big house. She smiled and made her way inside the house, and walked inside as quiet as possible as she can. She guessed that her girlfriend was already sleeping, considering the lights were off. 

Going inside their shared bedroom, she saw a figure laying down peacefully on the bed. She placed her bag on the couch and went inside the bathroom to take a quick shower. She was excited to be finally be able to hug Jennie once again. 

"Chu, hmm, is that you?" Jisoo heard Jennie asked outside the bathroom, her voice was raspy. She smiled and quickly went outside, she saw Jennie wearing her dumpling pjs that made Jisoo slightly squeal at the cuteness.

"Chichu!" Jennie, who was still half asleep earlier immediately came to senses once she saw Jisoo. She jumped into the older's arm who happily carried her and spun her around that made the couple giggle.

"I missed you so much, Jendeukie" Jisoo whispered, caressing the younger's hair as she laid Jennie gently on the bed. 

"I missed you too, Chu" Jennie replied, her voice was soft and sweet that sent Jisoo's heart fluttering. She loves Jennie's sweet voice so much. 

Without wasting any time, Jisoo connected their lips into a tender kiss. Their lips moving in perfect sync as their hearts beats fast, they love how perfect their lips fit together. Jennie wrapped her arm around the older's neck, pulling her more closer for more intimacy between them. They pulled away soon enough as they were both in need of air. Their chest heaving up and down in sync as they continuously admired one another's eyes.

"Make love with me" Jennie said, her voice was soft, there was a bit of seducting but Jisoo loves it as always. She gave Jennie a quick peck on the lips, and moved downward on Jennie's jaw, tracing her jawline gently.

"I will, and will mark you once again as mine tonight" Jisoo whispered, her voice was more deep and more huskier now that made Jennie bit her bottom lip as Jisoo started with her work.

⚠︎ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴀʜᴇᴀᴅ[better skip this smut part if ya'll still want your innocence🙉]

Jisoo connected their lips into a passionate yet steamy kiss that sent both in their own euphoria. Their tongues fought for dominance, and as expected, Jisoo won. Jisoo sneaked her hands inside younger's shirt, and in one swift motion, Jennie was already half naked. 

"I told you it's more comfortable not wearing any bra while sleeping" Jisoo purred as she admired Jennie's breast. She leaned in, and licked the already hardened nipples earning a soft moan from the younger.

"Just like that, Chu, hmm" Jennie had her fingers tangled on Jisoo's hair as she pushed her more closer. Jisoo circling and slightly sucking her breast that drive Jennie crazy. Jennie arched her back, and licked her lips and let out another soft moan.

"Please, Chu, I-i need you" Jisoo didn't waste another time and pulled the younger's shorts leaving Jennie fully naked. Jisoo smirked.

"Not wearing any panty, eh? Tell me, who owns this delicious pussy, baby?" Jisoo asked as she rubbed Jennie's clit in a circular motion. Jennie gripped on the sheets and started grinding to make more friction.

"Nah-uh, you have to answer me first" Jisoo teased, holding Jennie's hips to stay in one place as she continuously rubbed her clit in a slow pace that she knew Jennie hated the most.

"Yours! My pussy is yours! Please Jisoo, I've been a good girl! I didn't touch myself for two months because you asked me to, please, I need you, babe" Jennie whined, she sounded so needy and it was all Jisoo needed. She stood up earning a low growl from Jennie before she started undressing herself and chuckled at the younger's reaction.

Started With A Dare「Jensoo」✓Where stories live. Discover now