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"Rosie! i'm bored!" Lisa huffed. Rosé rolled her eyes, and went back to watching the movie, eating her popcorn peacefully.

"Chaeng-ie" Lisa called out again.

"Rosie" again, and was ignored.

"baby" Lisa saw a pink shade forming on Rosé's cheeks but still ignored her. she smirked, placing her hand on rosé's thigh and caress it. 

"L-lisa.... s-stop" Rosé tried pushing Lisa's hand away, but Lisa placed it once again on her thigh, tracing it all the way up on the hem of her shorts. Lisa placed kisses on Rosé's neck.

"s-s-stop, l-lis" Rosé stuttered. she didn't do anything right now though, and let Lisa place soft kisses on her neck. 

"Begging me to stop even though you're liking it.... hmm, what a nice kink you have there, babe" Lisa seductively whispered, nibbling on Rosé's ear and traced Rosè's jawline using her lips. Rosé let out a soft moan, and immediately covered her mouth.

"babe, I'm horny" Lisa purred into Rosé's ear. Rosé did her best to not moan again but failed, letting out another moan and felt Lisa smirk against her skin.

"I-i'm not yo-your girlfriend, w-we can't" Rosé uttered. Shutting her eyes close and bit her bottom lip as she got laid down by Lisa on the couch, her head resting on the armrest.

"then be my girlfriend, Rosie" Lisa smiled, she was now sucking on Rosé's pulse, she softly bit onto it and licked it, earning a gasp from Rosé.

"T-too soon, a-and Jisoo and Jennie is jus in their room" Lisa stopped. She saw Rosé opening her eyes open now, panting that made her smirk. Their eyes met, Rosé blushed while Lisa's smirk grew wider. 

"How about listen closely to what they're doing?" Lisa stopped the movie and dragged Rosé to where Jisoo's room was. Lisa gestured for Rosé to place her ears on the door, and Rosé did, immediately regretted and blushed madly, just by hearing Jennie's soft moans coming from the inside.

"mmm... faster, chu, please fuck me harder" Jennie softly moaned, pants, groans and curses were clearly heard, and if Rosé wasn't wrong, she can also hear skin slapping against each other. Rosé immediately pulled her ears away and ran to the couch, played the movie and covered her ears.

"poor Rosie, traumatized baby" Lisa laughed. Rosé glared at her and threw a pillow, hitting Lisa right in her face.

"yah! that hurted!" before Lisa could launch and tickle Rosé merciless, they heard a knock on the door. Lisa furrowed her eyebrows and groaned in frustration. She walked her way on to the door, and her eyes widened, seeing Sehun standing there with a small smile.

"Lisa, who is–" Rosé stopped herself from talking after seeing who it was. The two was curious with why Sehun was here. 

"uh-- hi? I would like to talk with... Jisoo-ssi" Sehun said. Lisa and Rosé snapped back into reality, and let Sehun in. Lisa kept an eye at Sehin while Rosé went to Jisoo's room.

"Jisoo unnie? uh-- someone is looking for you" Rosé knocked. After minutes of waiting, the door opened, revealing Jennie, who has a slight messy hair, her shirt was crinkled while Jisoo was looking more presentable than Jennie, she only had these scratches on her arms.

"Sehun... is looking for you" Jisoo frowned. She immediately went to the living room and saw Sehun, nervous with Lisa's deadly gaze. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jisoo asked coldly. Sehun gulped, and sighed, he stood up and cleared his throat.

"I just... wanted to... talk some things with you" Sehun nervously uttered. Jisoo scoffed.

"I have nothing to talk about with you, so, please kindly leave" Jisoo said, her voice got more deeper and huskier.

Started With A Dare「Jensoo」✓Where stories live. Discover now