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'I should have not accepted the goddamn dare' I thought and heaved out a sigh.

I sat down beside Jisoo. She had her head thrown back in the wall and if you look far away it will look like she's looking up at the sky. she was wearing her headphone while she hummed continuously. I got the chance to study her face features as I think I didn't got notice by her, she was too occupied on listening to her music.

Her hair was black and has a little bit mixed of brown, her hair was slightly moving as it was being hit by the wind, some went over her face. She has a nice thin and high nose. She have a pinkish heart shaped lips and has a nice jawline and if I can remember clearly she have two round shaped brown eyes that is so beautiful.

She was wearing another hoodie but a black one this time. It was paired with black jeans and a white jordan shoes. I watched as her chest heaved up and down before I shake my head and looked back up at her to see that she was already looking at me. Our eyes met and blood rose up on my cheeks.

"I would like it if you leave me alone" She said and looked back up at the sky again and closed her eyes. I obviously didn't followed what she said and stayed with her.

"I would like to know what you want and if you'll ask me the same it's you leaving me alone" She spoke. Her voice was more cold than earlier that sent shivers to me but I didn't listen and stayed with her. Clearing my throat, I quickly answered her.

"I think I want to be with you w-while I wait for our class to start" I reasoned out. She just gave me a scoff and didn't speak anymore.





"So.... uhh, what are you doing out here all alone when you can make friends?" I asked. It was getting so awkward so I think I'll start a conversation.

"If you want to stay with me please don't talk" She replied. I frowned at how she avoided my question that quickly. I huffed annoyed and rolled my eyes. 

'How can someone be this cold?' I thought.

I crossed my arms before I heard the bell ring. In about ten minutes the class will start so I better hurry my ass and not stay with this sociopath anymore. I stood up and was about to go when I remembered Jisoo was with me, she's still my classmate after all. I turned around and opened my mouth to speak but she beat me to it.

"I know, you can go" She said. She took her headphone off and looked up at me, I rolled my eyes and leaved her alone. 

'She's not called a sociopath for nothing' I thought and mentally rolled my eyes.

I entered my first class and took my seat. I saw Lisa that was beside me and was still sleeping. I nudge her side making her groan, she slowly opened her eyes and glared at me.

"Why do you have to wake me up? We're in the backseat. Mr. Jung won't notice me" Lisa growled and rolled her eyes before crossing her arms back in the table and resting her head there. 

"I just want you to remember that our class for today is History, the one you need to pass or else your bank account wil be cut off by your parents" I said. She immediately sat straight and rubbed her eyes. She drank her water and put some in her hands to splash in her face.

"I'm up, I'm surely duper up!" Lisa said. I saw Jisoo entering the room and all heads turned to her. Some were already drooling and some were gossiping. She ignored all of it and went straight to her sit which was behind my seat.

"Jisoo was behind us all this time!?" Lisa asked, whisper-shouting on my ears and gave Jisoo a small smile. 

'this is so embarrassing...' I thought remembering everything me and lisa did here in the back. We slept during class, we eat food during class, and we chit-chat during class...

"I think she probably ignored us before" I said and looked back to Jisoo and saw her reading something. I heaved out a sigh and so does Lisa which was too loud getting Jisoo's attention.

"H-hi!" Lisa greeted nervously. All Jisoo did was snob Lisa that made me laugh while Lisa frowned.

"She's more colder than an ice" Lisa whispered to me and I agreed immediately.

"Ms. Jisoo Kim, Principal Lee is looking for you" Mr. Jung called out, Jisoo gave a nod before standing up but before she leaved, she placed a paper in my table that made me quirk an eyebrow as I stared at her leaving the room.

"Okay! Let's pick up where we left off!" Mr. Jung happily said while students groaned but grabbed their books and opened it to where our topic was left off.

"Chit chat with you later" Lisa said and paid full attention to the class. She probably never notice Jisoo leaving a paper in my table, she was fast as a lightning.

I opened the paper and it turns out one of the page of a comic book. There was two boys talking and one of them asked, 'Why don't you have friends?', it made me frown as I saw what the other boy answered...

I think I'm better off alone. I don't want others' to know my problem and promise they will stay but will leave me sooner or later.

"What does Jisoo mean by this?" I muttered and sighed, folding back the paper and put it on my pocket.


"So... any progress with the dare?" Asked Taehyung as he wriggled his eyebrows up and down. 

"No, she doesn't even want to talk with me" I said. Taehyung gave me a small nod before he continued eating his food. I looked around to try and find Jisoo but she was nowhere to be found in the cafeteria.

"But... I think she opened up to me?" All their heads turned to me before I gave out a sigh and gave them the comic paper. 

"I asked her why she doesn't have any friends and she didn't answer but she gave me that paper" I said, handing them the comic page. They gasped and looked back at me. They gave me silence and continued staring at me which made me uncomfortable.




"THAT'S IT!" Taehyung shouted that made us flinch and got all attention. I quickly slapped the back of his head that made him groan and rubbed his head to ease the pain.

"No need to shout dumbass" I scolded him.

"Sorry..." Taehyung said nervously giving us a chuckle before he cleared his throat. Bowing down at the students, and sat back down.

"As what I was saying, make Jisoo open up for you little by little" Taehyung said. We all raise an eyebrow at him before laughing at his dumb idea. 

"We all know Jisoo doesn't open up, EVER" Rosé said, me and Lisa agreed while Taehyung smirked and crossed his arms.

"But why did she told Jennie about why she doesn't have any friends?" that made us stop laughing. It made us think with why Jisoo did it.

"It will make your dare easier that way, dongsaeng-ie," Taehyung said as he shrugged, "make her open up little by little and when she finally opened her book up, make her fall inlove with you" he added.

I just fully hope she will not get too attached with me if I'm making her open up to me. I never thought this dare is too complicated.


Hey! How's everyone doing? Hope ya'll are great and safe! Always drink your water to avoid dehydration! Sorry for my late update and I'll try updating as soon as possible! –Author 

Started With A Dare「Jensoo」✓Where stories live. Discover now