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[a/n: we'll be doing third person pov from now, I hope it's okay:P]

"Yah, Kim Jisoo!" Jennie huffed annoyed at her girlfriend's still sleeping figure. She started shaking her and only received a groan, turning her back on Jennie. She frowned and tried getting rid of the pillow the her girlfriend's been hugging since last night.

"Go away, I'm still sleepy" Jisoo grumbled and hugged her pillow more tight since Jennie was trying to get rid of it. 

"I don't care, you promised me a date today!" Jennie pouted and laid on top of her girlfriend making Jisoo let out an 'oof' and looked at Jennie's pouty face.

"All right, you win" Jisoo rolled her eyes and threw her pillow away just to engulf Jennie in a hug and placed kisses on her forehead.

"Did you forget about your promise?" Jennie asked, still pouting and tried to lean in for a kiss. Jisoo giggled and dodged Jennie's lips.

"No kisses on the lips, I still haven't brushed my teeth, and no, I didn't forgot about my promise" Jisoo replied, sitting up that led Jennie to roll down on her body. 

"Yah! you should take care of the baby!" Jennie said making Jisoo furrow her eyebrows. 

"If you're thinking about something, no, I am not, what I mean about the baby is me! I'm your baby!" Jennie cutely said, spreading her tiny arms and legs around the bed and accidentally kicked Jisoo's stomach.

"omo! I'm sorry!" Jennie apologized but didn't even dare to check up on Jisoo making the older girl playfully roll her eyes and went on the bathroom to do her morning routine. 

"Chichu?" Jennie peeked her head on Jisoo's bathroom and saw the older girl brushing her teeth. She grinned and quickly went on Jisoo's back and hugged her, startling Jisoo a bit.

"What you thinking, chu?" Jennie asked, sneaking her hands inside the older girl's shirt and started poking her toned abs. Jisoo heaved out a sigh and turned around, facing her girlfriend that was brightly smiling to her.

"You can't wait for another minute, don't you?" Jisoo teasingly asked, giggling. She cupped Jennie's cheeks and captured her lips.

"I can't" Jennie admitted in between their kiss. Their kiss getting more heated as soon as Jisoo thrusted her tongue inside Jennie's mouth, licking every part that her tongue could reach. Jennie broke the kiss, in need of air, while Jisoo went down on her neck, planting soft kisses. before she looked up at Jennie and smiled.

"Father wants to have dinner with me and he wants me to bring you" Jisoo blurted out, instantly regretting it as soon as she saw how Jennie froze on her spot. 

"Oh" was the only thing Jennie could utter. She was too shock at what Jisoo just said. Why would Jisoo's father even want to meet her when he's not okay with their relationship, right? Weird.

"Oh? Are you okay with it? You know I can tell him that you're not fee—"

"It's okay, I can go" Jennie answered nervously. For Jennie, the whole dinner thing is so scary just to think of it. Jisoo cleared her throat, snapping back Jennie into reality.

"Are you sure?" Jisoo asked again. Jennie smiled and gave her a nod.

"I am... uh-- very sure" Jennie was surely not. As far as she can remember, their last encounter was Jennie shouting at him.


"Good evening, Father" Jisoo greeted. Mr. Kim gave her a small nod and gestured the couple to take a sit and they did. Silence filled the atmosphere and there Jennie was already sweating just because of Jisoo's father intensely staring – more like glaring – at her.

"I invited Sehun to the dinner" Jisoo and Jennie's eyes widened at what Mr. Kim said. Jisoo clenched her fist and looked up at her Father, trying not to snap at her.

"Why would you even invite him? You told me it was just me and Jennie" Jisoo coldly said. Mr. Kim smirked and leaned back on his chair, shrugging that pissed Jisoo more.

"Why? Cous, don't you miss me?" Someone spoke. The two turned around and saw Sehun with his infamous smirk before he took a sit and politely bowed at Mr. Kim.

"Why would I even miss you, Jerk" Jisoo said that made Mr. Kim frown.

"Watch your mouth, Jisoo, he's your cousin, do some respect will you, young lady?" Mr. Kim scolded. Jisoo only mentally rolled her eyes and avoided Sehun that was sticking his tongue out at her. 

"I should have told you who he was, I'm sorry" Jisoo whispered at Jennie who was uncomfortable seeing Sehun back. Jennie smiled and looked at Jisoo.

"It's okay, I just couldn't believe you had a cousin like him" Jennie joked and Jisoo tried her best not to laugh infront of Mr. Kim.

"Right? I was also thinking of that for years" Jisoo whispered-laugh. Soon, their foods was already being placed on their table and Jisoo knew Mr. Kim was still waiting for someone as he continued looking at his watch.

"Is there anything wrong, Father?" Jisoo politely asked. 

"Nothing, just waiting for someone" Mr. Kim simply replied. Jisoo gave him a nod and looked at Jennie to see her enjoying the food.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kim, I'm late, I lost track of time" Jisoo's eyes looked up at her Mr. Kim who was smiling – smirking – at someone behind them. Jisoo gulped knowing who it was and quickly drank her water.

"Irene! It's okay! come and take a sit!" Mr. Kim exclaimed. Jennie choked hearing Irene's name. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Jisoo asked, patting Jennie's back. She looked over at Irene and saw her sitting down and gave Jisoo a smile.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm fine" Jennie replied, drinking her water.

"Now, we're complete, let's talk about our day!" Mr. Kim said, smiling. Jisoo was totally pissed off at her father. She knew somethig was up, and she wants to know what it is. Whatever her father wants, she has to stop it before it gets out of hand.


Just a short update for you my dear readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Always take care! Stay safe! –Author

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