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It's already been two weeks since I got dared to make Jisoo fall in love and it's also been two weeks since she became my tutor. We got kinda close since I always visit her in her house and we spend the whole day together talking about history and some other shit. When I said kinda close...

I mean it...

"Yah! Not my Pikachu Hoodie~" Jisoo whined and pouted at me. I decided to stay over at her house for the night and she didn't had the chance to protest after I immediately went to the bathroom and grabbed some of her clothes.

"Why? I want this! This is so comfy" I teased her and ran away from an angry rabbit. After these past two weeks I found out something about her. 

She likes pikachu and can imitate pikachu's voice. She loves chicken so much that she'll kill someone if ever someone steal her precious chicken but she shares it with me because I'm Jennie Kim... duh.

"My precious pikachu can't be given to anyone!" She said in her aegyo voice before charging into me. I squeal when she caught me and started tickling me merciless. I ended up laying on the couch while Jisoo was on top of me.

"Oh my g–HAHAHA STOP! CHU!" I pleaded as she continued to tickle me on my sides. She stopped tickling me before laying on top of me and nuzzled her face in the crook of my neck.

"mmm... you smell so good, Jendeukie" She whispered making me smile and played with her hair, wrapping my other arm around her waist.

She gave me a nickname "Jendeukie" after seeing my habit of clinging so much when I was sick. She would always end up staying with me in the bed everynight after I cling so much to her. I, ofcourse also made her one, it's Jichu! 

"You too, Chu" I replied and placed a soft kiss on her crown. She giggled before her arms sneakily wrapped around my waist before she distributed kisses all over my neck.

"Yah, stop that, it tickles" She only gave me a giggle and hummed into some song. I swear if someone could see us right now they'll think we're a couple.

She haven't fully opened up to me and I understand her. We just met each other for two weeks. I already told her why I ran away from home and she admitted that's why she agreed to be my tutor... 

to help me make my parents proud.

She would act all childish and a complete crackhead when we're both alone and will act all cold and mysterious when someone's around the two of us. She's a total opposite person inside and outside school. 

"I think you would really get along with Lisa" I said and continued playing with her. She adjusted her body to a more comfortable position and so did I.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Asked Jisoo with a hint of.... jealousy?

"No" I replied simply. She just nod and continued cuddling to me which I found cute instead annoying since I would always push Lisa away from me if she try and snuggle.

"I want to sleep" She whispered to me and I know what she wants tonight.

"cuddle with me?" She asked in her aegyo voice with a pout. If only I can kiss that pout away. 

"Okay!" I happily said. She quickly stood up and before I can even follow her, she carried me bridal style that made me squeal and wrapped my arms around her neck tightly.

"Hold on tight, airplane's about to fly off" She giggled and turned us round and round which made me dizzy.

"Stop, stop, stop, that's not how the airplane wor–AHH!" I dug my nails in the back of Jisoo's neck as she all of a sudden ran towards the bedroom. This girl will be the death of me someday.

Started With A Dare「Jensoo」✓Where stories live. Discover now