Chapter Twenty-Five: Damn That Guy

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The ship rocked some more. Lena huddled the twins close, debating on how long she should wait. After several attempts to contact Khamuel telepathically, Lena gave up, realizing he blocked her from his thoughts and the not knowing was killing her.


Stay hidden, Lena.

What's happening?

No response.

Lena was past being afraid. She was getting angry. Though she had initially hidden weapons throughout the grant when Khamuel first made her move in; he found them all and removed them in a bid for safety. She was helpless here. Armed with nothing but her will to protect her daughters. Lena cursed out loud when the ship rocked and vibrated again, wanting nothing more than to run to the ovelum so she could arm herself and surround her daughters with Verserk and Verserka'al. Without knowing what lay outside the grant doors, Lena was unsure of what to do. She'd never faced danger with her daughters in tow, and fear for them made her indecisive.

Hours passed.

Gala and Pnina rushed into the grant, their expressions grim. Pnina tossed a weapon at Lena, who rose to her feet and caught it in a deft movement.

"Come. We escape," said Gala.

"Khamuel said to wait here."

Gala's eyes were hurried. "It is not safe. We must away. Now!"

Never hearing that tone from Gala, Lena gathered her girls and kneeled down to their level, taking their faces in her hands. "Do you remember everything I've taught you?"

The girls nodded.

"No matter what I say, you listen. You obey. Got it?"

Sasha gave her mother a tremulous smile. "Stay alert. Stay alive."

Lena nodded, as satisfied as she could be under the circumstances. "Eyes on me at all times, girls. We follow Gala. Let's go."

The moment they stepped out of the grant, the familiar faces of the twins' guard appeared. Lena nodded at them as they took their positions flanking the twins. 

The ship shuttered, and a resounding thud cannoned throughout the ark. Lena recognized the sound. It was one she had heard many times. An explosion in the distance. Orders were shouted here and there as Verserk manned the habitat, armed with various weapons.

They took off at a run. Lena followed close behind the older woman, who ran with surprising athleticism. The twins did well in keeping up thanks to the strict physical regimen their mother had forced on them. They dipped and dodged as people ran to and froe. For one wild moment, even as the ship still chanted its warning, Lena wondered if maybe the alarm was a false one, as all around her all she saw were the ship's occupants. What the hell is happening?

The Watchers. Khamuel finally answered. They come for you.

The ship shuddered again. This time, she smelled smoke. As they ran, the chaos increased. Frightened shouts and fierce howls of rage echoed from all directions. The further away from the habitat they ran to reach the foragers, it became clear they were under a full-scale attack. Bodies lay strewn about. Smoke billowed. Cries of pain echoed.

As they rounded the bend that led to the docking bay, Lena froze in horror at the sight. The Ka'al were engaged in battle; their opponents protected in golden armor. If she had ever considered the Ka'al unusually tall, these assailants gave them a run for their money. They were huge! Where the hell had they all come from?

Lena's heart was in her throat as they tried to be as covert as possible in dodging detection. Gala had a good eye and sound judgement for maneuvering. She led and Lena directed the girls, who listened well to instructions, despite their terror and tears. The ship continued to blare its warning. Distractedly, she would feel Khamuel probe her mind to check on her safety, though he was wise enough not to distract her. Lena sent him mental reports of what she was witnessing and their progress to the foragers. There are 17 golden clad warriors. One of theirs is on the ground. I think he's dead. Five of our own dead; 13 ... no ... 14 wounded. We're almost clear, another 50 meters. I see the door. 25 meters ...

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